18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025

How would you characterize your customer relationship? ?


Marketing based on “product/price/communication/distribution” is over. Expectations exceeded this : price and product have become minimum standards. Customer experience has become the main criterion of choice for the consumer. Customer satisfaction, for 97% of leaders, is the key to the success of their business.


Customer relations, or customer experience, is maintained on a daily basis through actions that require permanent investment, itself generating regular acts. It is essential to continually ask yourself three questions based on three keywords : envy, listening and emotion.

Do you want (YOU, your salespeople, all stakeholders in your company, members of your network…) to work on the relationship to nourish it and bring value to it ? Any success requires real motivation and desire. Without this, nothing is done, nothing is created. The customer experience is based on emotion and human relationships : impossible to pretend. In any team, the issue of desire and motivation of employees is essential. The customer experience is clearly proportional to the employee experience ! It is important, for every manager, to invest personally, to be exemplary in this level of customer relations. A single model does not exist because we are all different in our perception of reality, our rationality and our expectations.

Are you sincerely attentive to the needs, customer feelings, to understand and respond to them ?
According to you, are your beliefs more important than listening and capturing customer perception ? For each of your decisions, ask yourself if they feed “the ego” (not always easy to accept questioning) or customer relations and, par construction, un business durable. Indicators like NPS (Net Promoter Score), exist to measure certain elements. But not everything is measurable. Real listening to certain targeted customers, like for example, the most demanding customers, is essential to understand and adjust the feeling of the customer journey. Imagine the impact on the majority of your customers if you succeed in satisfying the most demanding ! Genuine customer listening and understanding will also allow you to be proactive in relation to unexpressed needs by being able to reinforce the emotions felt.

Is your customer journey designed to create positive emotion? ? The possible emotions to generate are different depending on the professions. You just have to be fully aware that the difference is being made and will be made more and more at this level.. The quality/price ratio is always evaluated. On the other hand, it is the emotion felt which is differentiating and which guides the choices of your customers !

Envy : get involved strongly and personally at your points of sale, with constant and regular proximity to your teams. Involvement and real desire are contagious.
Listen : define your target customers, involve them as a partner to carry out an audit of the customer journey and take into account the perceptions and comments of your customers.
Emotion : imagine and build personalized actions with strong emotional value
Conclusion : working on emotion generates much more than a Return on Investment (ROI). It's an MMR : a Return on Relationships, because it is more about posture and will than investment.
It is simply a double-entry personal investment that requires you to be focused on two pillars : the employee experience generating the customer experience.


For over twenty years, during their professional careers, Sylvie & Annick Miquel supports entrepreneurs, teams, heads of private or public bodies. As BNI Executive Directors in Reunion, BNI National Directors in Mauritius, and as a certified John Maxwell Coach, they want to help entrepreneurs, their families and communities. One of the primordial notions which is at the center of their mission : “help as many entrepreneurs and liberal professions as possible develop their sales, thanks to our structured approach, positive and incentive marketing by recommendations ».

Annick and Sylvie Miquel
BNI Executive Directors Meeting
& National Directors BNI Mauritius
m +262 692 45 84 00
k bnireunion@bnifrance.fr
k contact@bnimauritius.mu

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