In terms of retirement, Women are often disadvantaged. Même si elles travaillent de plus en plus régulièrement et de plus en plus longtemps, l’égalité n’est pas encore au rendez-vous. During a webinar organized by Absoluce in partnership with Factorielles, company specializing in social protection advice for business leaders, les experts d’Absoluce ont expliqué les mesures à prendre pour réduire les pertes de droits qu’elles subissent lors de leur retraite.
Les femmes sont dans des situations bien spécifiques concernant leur retraite. Leur carrière est souvent plus fractionnée que celle des hommes et leurs rémunérations moindres. On the other hand, elles vivent plus longtemps. Tout l’enjeu va consister à exploiter les mesures qui peuvent être prises pour combler les zones de risque. In theory, la formule de calcul pour la retraite des hommes et des femmes est similaire. In practice, à travail égal, le salaire des femmes reste inférieur à celui des hommes. Furthermore, leur carrière est souvent incomplète, car elles se sont arrêtées pour élever leurs enfants, ont travaillé à temps partiel, etc. On the other hand, les personnes ayant débuté leur carrière jeune peuvent bénéficier de la retraite anticipée pour carrière longue. Toutefois les conditions exigées par ce dispositif pénalisent les femmes en raison, toujours, des interruptions de leur carrière. For exemple, une personne née en 1960 devra avoir commencé à travailler avant 20 ans, Validate at least five quarters at the end of the calendar year of its 20 years and justify at least 167 quarters contributed. But the increase in eight quarters per child is not taken into account, Access to early retirement for long career will be limited for women.
Go to 62
It is not compulsory to wait 67 years to retire. Even without having all his quarters, You can leave from 62 years old, Certainly by undergoing a drop in retirement of up to 25 % of its amount. For a woman who stayed at home to raise her children, If she validated at least one quarter during her entire career, with the increase in quarters to which children entitled, She will be able to obtain a basic retirement and an Agirc-Arrco additional retirement. Even if she never worked, She may be able to obtain a pension thanks to the old-age insurance of parents at home. This device makes it possible to validate quarters thanks to contributions set by the Family Allowance Fund.
Part -time activity
Part -time activity does not prevent having a full -rate retirement. Une femme qui a travaillé à temps partiel verra sa retraite pénalisée si elle a cotisé toute sa carrière sur la base d’un petit salaire, mais une activité à temps partiel n’empêche pas d’avoir une retraite à taux plein, sans abattement, si suffisamment de trimestres ont été validés. La retraite ne sera pas pénalisée si la femme a travaillé à temps plein pendant au moins vingt-cinq ans, car la retraite de base sera alors calculée sur les 25 meilleures années. Toutefois les périodes à temps partiel auront une incidence sur la retraite complémentaire Agirc-Arrco, car elle aura acquis moins de points.
To note : la majoration de trimestres, Given until 2010 to women until 2010, has seen its award methods modified under non-discrimination based on sex. For children born from 2010, Parents can choose to share the four quarters of education or to assign them to only one of them. The increase for three children, as for her, is served as well for the mother as for the father.
The measures to be taken to improve the retirement rights of women
The life annuity
Be careful not necessarily to favor the life annuity, Because it does not provide enough resources at the start of retirement, When distant travels are still possible, And too much at the end, lorsque les problèmes de santé contraignent à davantage de sédentarité…
Connaître ses droits à la pension de réversion
Les conditions et le montant de la pension de réversion varient selon les régimes. for example, pour les salariés, si madame se remarie, elle ne touchera plus la pension de réversion de son premier mari sur la partie complémentaire. Alors qu’un remariage n’aura aucune incidence pour les artisans et commerçants sur cette même complémentaire. Des options existent chez certaines professions libérales pour majorer la pension de réversion de son conjoint, c’est le cas de la CAVEC. Le couple aura tout intérêt à se renseigner avant, Because the treatment of the survivor's pension will be very different according to the affiliation regime of the deceased spouse.
Subscribe death insurance
This is particularly relevant when the husband is older and remarries with a younger woman. If she is only 45 years old when her husband's death, She will have no right to anything, since, let's remember, The wife must be at least 55 years old to be entitled to the survivor's pension.
Acquire specific rights within compulsory plans
The repurchase of quarters (said "Fillon buyout") is interesting if the woman fulfills certain conditions. It is possible to buy a maximum of 12 quarters, pour des années d’études ou des années incomplètes. Ce rachat est entièrement déductible du revenu imposable, mais n’est pas pris en compte dans le départ en retraite pour carrières longues. Selon les régimes, ce rachat permet d’augmenter le taux, la durée d’assurance ou le nombre de points.
Seul le mariage ouvre droit à la pension de réversion
Le concubinage et pacs n’ouvrent pas droit à la pension de réversion. La situation des divorcés doit être étudiée de près, car la protection du second partenaire est souvent mal assurée. De manière courante, un homme qui garde un mauvais souvenir de son premier divorce, car il a, among others, beaucoup perdu financièrement, will not wish to remarry with his second partner, who can be younger than him. But not remarry, He will put it in difficulty, Especially if they have still dependent children, Because she will have no survivor's pension. She is the first "official" wife who will receive the whole.
Ensure status for his collaborating spouse
The purpose of this status is to protect women who often tend to work voluntarily for their business manager. From now on, Companies have the obligation to give them a status. They have the choice between three : associate spouse, employee or collaborator spouse. Having a status allows them to benefit from a personal right to old age insurance, to disability-decency and temporary incapacity for work (daily allowances) If it is planned for the manager. To complete the guarantees that women benefit, They will be able to activate business retirement savings plans, But will also be able to subscribe to an individual PER with a financial institution or an insurance organization, with capital outing choices, or in rent, etc.
Colossal financial issues
The evolution of the regulations on survivor's pension must be followed closely, Because to date some believe that the survivor's pension must become a right related to the insurance effort, While others are convinced that it must be subject to means conditions. You should be particularly vigilant, By taking as an example the recent attempt to establish a universal regime, supposed to be favorable to women, While in reality, If the project had resulted, He would have significantly modified their rights (It was planned to postpone the age of departure in reversion seven years old, From 55 to 62 years old, And it was also planned to lower children's increases). Retirement in France represents 320 billion euros, including 18 billion family rights and 36 billion reversion pensions. The French will enter a complicated period in terms of retirement. It is therefore essential that women endeavor to acquire own rights as soon as possible.