23.1 C
Saturday 1 March 2025

CCI : fewer business creations in 2022


A major cleaning seems to have been done by the CCI Réunion in the files of the trade and services register in 2022 : 5,839 companies were deregistered, i.e. 54% more than in 2021. In total, 49,416 companies were listed in the RCS at the end of 2022, i.e. -4% in one year. The commerce sector is the one where the write-offs were the most numerous, since it lost 16% of its workforce (16,613 companies). The services sector remains the most represented (nearly 24,000 companies, +3 %), that of industry totaling 8,805 companies (+4 %). 6,410 companies were created in 2022, i.e. 9% less than the previous year (-10% in commerce, -8% in services and -11% in industry). In the training sector, the year 2022 saw the resumption of learner mobility, after two years of health crisis. EGC students were notably able to resume their international career. The School of Management, opened in 2021 with EM Normandie, welcomed its second class and now has 52 students over the two years of the master's degree. As of December 31, the CCI training center welcomed 1,750 apprentices. Over the year, 6,000 trainees attended one of its five centers, including 3,000 young people.

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