16.5 C
Monday 10 March 2025



E-commerce trends in 2023

European financial services provider Mollie looks ahead to the year ahead in e-commerce and the FinTech sector. Philippe Daly, his vice-president France, highlights a new approach to e-commerce focused on current economic issues. The year 2023 will be difficult and optimization will dominate e-commerce strategies. Economic recession will reduce spending across all sectors. Ce sera...

The culture check, a simple and effective way to retain employees

In a difficult economic context, le chèque culture est un dispositif qui permet aux entreprises de donner du pouvoir d’achat à leurs salariés. Explications par le groupe de travail ressources humaines d’Absoluce, network of independent accounting firms, audit and consulting. Ce dispositif existe depuis longtemps, mais est trop peu utilisé par les entreprises. Dans cette période d’inflation, the...

Zeop Entreprise launches its mobile offer

By providing various mobility services, this offer constitutes a mobile fleet management tool giving the possibility of managing your fleet in complete autonomy. Cybersecurity and data centers are also on the menu of professional support projects. The customer has the choice between two basic offers, one for data starting at 2 G and the other for calls,...

Give it up : the new champion of French books in the world

La librairie universelle Lireka se donne pour ambition de faciliter l’accès à tous les livres en français dans le monde entier grâce à son catalogue de plus d’un million de titres et la livraison gratuite dans tous les pays. Un an après son lancement, ce nouvel acteur français du livre a déjà plus de 17 000 clients dans 115 pays...

Transform your spare change into a voucher : Eurocycler in Reunion

Coinstar, the world leader that transforms yellow coins into purchasing power, arrives in Reunion with the installation at the end of November of a first Eurocycler terminal at the E.Leclerc store in La Réserve in Sainte-Marie. In a city, several major brands (Leclerc, Intermarket, Auchan, Casino, Super U), as well as numerous local stores, capitalisent sur les bornes Coinstar qui transforment les pièces jaunes...

Survey on the morale of Reunion Islanders

The Sagis group measured the morale and confidence of the inhabitants of Reunion in this year 2022. What emerges is a Reunionese version of the “French paradox”, namely the accumulation of a rather positive vision of one's personal life with a rather negative vision of society. Calculated each month by INSEE, l’indicateur synthétique de confiance des...

The talent hostel, a place intended for Reunion influencers

L’Auberge Digitale launches the Auberge des Talents, a hub of content creators whose aim is to gain recognition for this profession among local economic players. The objective ? Lay the foundations for a booming profession that is still poorly supervised in the region, through an ethical and responsible approach to influencer marketing. In the meeting, le métier d’influenceurs en est encore à...

Connected health : the withings ecosystem in pharmacy

The connected health leader joins forces with Dr. Xavier Schneider, pharmacien en Alsace, pour ouvrir le premier corner de prévention santé en officine. Un premier projet pilote dans une pharmacie en Alsace pour lancer de nouveaux services. Fondé en 2008 par des équipes d’ingénieurs, d’experts en data science et de professionnels de santé, Withings crée des dispositifs de suivi...

Conversational AI on Instagram and Facebook

Heyday by Hootsuite launches Instagram Direct Messages and Facebook Messenger integrations on Shopify. These new integrations aim to enable merchants to sell more products on Shopify and offer their customers immediate support on the most popular social networks. Heyday by Hootsuite*, the leading conversational AI platform, a intégré Instagram Direct Messages et Facebook Messenger...

Fourth edition of the gourmet talent competition

More than a competition, the Talents Gourmands competition is intended to be a moment of sharing and conviviality between fans of gourmet cuisine rich in local products. This competition rewards the know-how of committed producers, of cooks and artisans who make up the rich culinary heritage of Reunion Island, in Mayotte and beyond our borders. Organisée par le Crédit...