22 C
Sunday 9 March 2025



Deezer joins Juice to punctuate audio information with music

In turn, Deezer joins Juice, the personal audio companion, which informs and entertains out loud by selecting, reading or playing more than a thousand daily news sources across the web. Available on iOS and Android, l'application gratuite Juice permet de profiter différemment et en audio de la richesse des contenus disponibles sur la toile, que ce soit la...

Rhenus obtains the CEIV Pharma certification in France

Logistics service provider Rhenus Air & Ocean, which opened an agency in Reunion on January 1st, obtained CEIV Pharma certification from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which authorizes it to transport pharmaceutical products, for four of its metropolitan agencies specializing in overseas transport commission. The IATA CEIV Pharma certification (Center of...

A brainstorming lesson with Nobo

Nobo, the leading visual communication brand in Europe from the Acco Brands group, offers techniques and tools to make brainstorming more effective. Brainstorming was invented in the 1940s by Alex Osborn, vice-president of BBDO, an American advertising agency. The term “brainstorming” comes from the English brainstorm which means brainstorming.. « Il s’agit d’une activité...

The Flame Festival s’internationalise

Notice to agencies, independent, advertisers and other communication creatives… Next October, the Association of Communication Agencies organizes The Flame Festival in Mauritius in collaboration with The Loeries, non-profit association rewarding the creativity and know-how of communication professionals in Africa and the Middle East. A competition open to agencies in the Indian Ocean region. Se...

The new situation in commercial relations welcomed by Adepale

L’association des PME et ETI alimentaires se félicite de l’accord trouvé le 15 mars par les députés et sénateurs, lors d’une commission mixte paritaire, tendant à renforcer l’équilibre des relations commerciales entre fournisseurs et distributeurs. Un projet de loi porté par le député Renaissance Frédéric Descrozaille. Après le plan gouvernemental de soutien aux industries alimentaires les PME et ETI...

Ximiti : the franchise automatic store

Ximiti has developed a tailor-made concept of refrigerated vending machine to adapt, even locally, on demand and new modes of consumption. A mix of e-commerce and automated local commerce. Ximiti is a brand of the Neovendis group which, since 2017, markets its concept of local automatic store for the general public. Brevetées et fabriquées en France...

A poster, an app and a site to better recycle waste

The Environment Department, of the development and housing of Reunion (DEAL) and Ademe have carried out, in partnership with the Réunion Import and Trade Union (SURE), an information visual to raise awareness of waste sectors with extended producer responsibility (REP) operational in Reunion. Ce visuel est distribué depuis le début de...

Electronic invoice : the possible options and the Zeendoc solution

Expert in valuation, management and security of documentary bases, Sages Informatique supports organizations facing the widespread use of electronic invoicing with a solution for VSEs, SMEs and local authorities : Of doc. Within the framework of the law of August 16, 2022, the dematerialization of inter-company transactions is about to become compulsory in France. THE...

Agroecology Trophies : Reunion in the spotlight

At the International Agriculture Show, le prix de l’innovation des Trophées de l’agroécologie 2022-2023 a été remis à une agricultrice réunionnaise, Béatrice Duchemann-Donnay, exploitante à Sainte-Rose. La Réunion a été mise à l’honneur lors de la remise des prix du concours national des Trophées de agroécologie 2022-2023. Agricultrice de Sainte-Rose, Béatrice Duchemann-Donnay a reçu le prix de l’innovation. Marc...

How to facilitate professional mobility of workers abroad ?

Votre entreprise installée en France ou à l’étranger peut être concernée par la mobilité internationale dès lors qu’elle envoie un salarié à l’étranger. Comment faire en sorte que celui-ci reste affilié à son pays d’origine pour sa Sécurité sociale ? Les explications du groupe de travail Ressources humaines du réseau d’experts-comptables Absoluce. Les questions qui se posent sont multiples : quelle...