18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025



Reunion companies and CSR

Organized in collaboration with the digital and environmental transformation consulting agency Isodom, the second talk from the communications agency Imagecorp, end of June, focused on CSR, on its challenges and achievements with feedback from Reunion companies. CSR is now much more than a simple incantation or a good intention. Elle est devenue un levier de performance globale...

L’instant by CA : Frédérique Bedos in Reunion

Producer and director Frédérique Bedos was in Reunion at the end of June, répondant à l'invitation de la Caisse régionale du Crédit Agricole. Producer and director, Frédérique Bedos has also been a journalist for more than twenty years as well as a TV and radio presenter., in France and internationally. In 2010, she decided to create Le Projet Imagine, ONG d’information visant à...

Working differently with Olokaï

Created in April 2022 by Coralie Fridmann, l’agence événementielle Olokaï fait de l'écoresponsabilité un principe et un mode opératoire au service de ses clients pour donner encore plus de sens à leurs événements et à leur communication. Coralie Fridmann a fait ses armes pendant plus de dix ans au sein de la célèbre agence locale d'événementiel Jour de Fête. Aussi...

The SICR celebrates its platinum jubilee

The Réunion Import and Trade Union (SURE) celebrated its 70th birthday on June 15, 2023 at the Cité des arts in Saint-Denis. During this birthday party, the president of the oldest professional employers' union in Reunion wanted to highlight the greatest achievements of the SICR, ainsi que ses ambitions actuelles et...

Educ-Up achieves the largest fundraising in the history of ULTRAMARINE START-UPS

The Reunion start-up, social and solidarity company pioneering socio-educational solutions for early childhood, raised seven million euros in July. This fundraising will allow the group to develop its activities throughout the national territory and increase its social impact tenfold., particularly within priority neighborhoods of city policy (QPV). Accueilli...


Responding to the demand of their hundreds of respective customers, les deux entreprises réunionnaises spécialisées, l’une dans la propreté des locaux, l’autre dans la gestion des déchets, ont mis leurs compétences en commun pour concevoir un dispositif innovant de récupération des papiers de bureau en vue de leur recyclage. Un dispositif qui amène à voir d’une autre manière le...

The moucat a li of Radio Free Dom celebrates its two years

In 2021, for his forty years, radio Free Dom marked the occasion with the resumption of one of its first emblematic broadcasts, La moucat a li. For the ignorant, La moucat a li est un concept simple mais percutant : “You are unhappy, you want to complain, there is something wrong ? Call our answering machine. Si votre...

The Léon start-up reaches a new stage

Crédit Agricole de La Réunion, the Réunion Island Tourism Club and Léon Guide announced at the end of April a one-year partnership to promote culture and tourism thanks to the mobile application which allows you to discover the history and heritage of Reunion Island. Une reconnaissance de poids pour ce concept unique à fort potentiel imaginé par...

Fuel, the network of supportive owners

Solikaz offers the possibility of becoming a joint owner and taking action against poor housing in Reunion by entrusting your housing to associations approved by the State, who rent it out to households experiencing housing difficulties. The association becomes an intermediary which secures and simplifies the relationship between the tenant and the lessor. Près de trois Réunionnais...

Seeds-Unitec support proves itself

Eight project leaders from Reunion benefited, from January to April, for ten weeks of an incubation program led by Seeds in partnership with the Aquitaine region incubator Unitec. Differentiating from classic incubation, this program allowed project leaders to connect to the metropolitan ecosystem and exchange with other project leaders. The formula will be renewed,...