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Sunday 9 March 2025



BIM Groupe highlights French excellence in Berlin

BIM Groupe was present from September 1 to 5 at the IFA Berlin exhibition, major meeting of technology and innovation players. Positioned within the French Tech space, with the Business France delegation, BIM Group unveiled a range of French innovations, BIM Group participations, embodying its support for innovation, to sustainability and technological avant-garde. Lizia,...

Better remunerate press sellers

Electronic communications regulation authority, posts and press distribution, The arcep adjusts parameters used to establish part of the remuneration of press merchants. L’ARCEP a décidé de diminuer les seuils utilisés pour déterminer le taux de la majoration liée au chiffre d’affaires de chaque marchand de presse et les contributions à la...

Electronic invoice : to the Zeendoc solution

While electronic invoices will soon be mandatory, the Sages Informatique solution, Of doc, allows you to manage compliance with new standards. Particularly for VSEs and SMEs, which do not have the same resources as large companies to manage such changes. Anticipating the needs of its customers, Sages IT, expert depuis plus de vingt ans dans la...

Better and better paid home employment

Childcare, childminders, family employees, life assistants : the home employment sector has significantly increased all salaries in 2022. Socio-professional organization of individual employers, FEPEM publishes exclusive figures from the Home Employment Observatory. In 2022, le secteur des particuliers employeurs et de l’emploi à domicile a revalorisé de manière significative les salaires....

People In : the recruitment springboard without a CV that gives everyone a chance

Founded by Élodie Sarfati in 2017, People In is a digital skills testing platform that allows you to pre-select candidates without a CV. Goal : promote inclusive and ethical recruitment, open to all profiles. Nearly eight out of ten VSE and SME owners face hiring difficulties. En proposant de nouvelles solutions de présélections...

The social and solidarity loan of Saint-Denis

“Dare to launch your activity” proclaimed in July the communication campaign of the city of Saint-Denis on the social and solidarity loan system implemented by its municipal social action center to support project leaders in the region. The city of Saint-Denis has been offering zero-interest loans for a year : jusqu'à 2 500 euros pour permettre...

Lili, the lamp that corrects dyslexia

The Norman start-up Lili for Life presents a new version of its Lili lamp and unveils a screen intended for dyslexic people. The Norman company Lili for Life, qui développe des solutions d’éclairage innovantes destinées à pallier les difficultés et l'inconfort de lecture liés à la dyslexie, has just unveiled a new version of its Lili lamp. Always made in France,...

The Mauritian MARIDEAL platform in Reunion

The market for online booking sites for holidays in Mauritius is changing with the arrival in Reunion of a new player : MariDeal.re. First online booking platform for hotels and leisure activities in Mauritius, the Mauritian company has until now offered its services and advantageous prices exclusively to Mauritians. From now on, Reunion Islanders also have access to it, and...

The Region renews its support for the Réunion Initiative Network

A replenishment of 400,000 euros from the honorary loan fund, the network financing tool, was granted by the Réunion Region to support new entrepreneurs. « Ce soutien en faveur du développement économique et de l’entrepreneuriat local à travers un renforcement substantiel du fonds de prêt d’honneur permettra de stimuler l’activité économique et de soutenir davantage d’entrepreneurs prometteurs de...

The country focuses of the Club Export Réunion

Country focuses offer a targeted approach to information on export opportunities from the island. Two have already taken place in Indonesia and, more recently, on the Malagasy town of Tamatave from the perspective of a business trip. The Club export Réunion presented on June 27 the program for its next business trip to Tamatave (Toamasina). In full swing,...