20.8 C
Thursday 24 October 2024


Production locale

Combined production charter : industry and mass distribution formalize their dialogue

L'ADIR a signé le 16 février dernier avec les enseignes de distribution locales une charte d’engagement pour le soutien à la création de valeur par le développement de la production locale dans la distribution alimentaire. The initiative aims to promote dialogue between major retail players and local suppliers.. This signing was made under the aegis and....

RPE-OI : a company born in five months

The responsiveness of the local industry to produce hydroalcoholic gel and health protection masks was praised. RPE-OI takes a further step by establishing itself over the long term. Paul Soubaya tells the story of this project put together in record time. February 8, 2021, the decision falls : children must wear a mask from first grade. Dix...

Mozzarun : The Italian Reunion

To all good, all honor : it’s Alexandre Bègue, author of the excellent blog RestoRéunion and collaborator of the JIR, that we owe the discovery of this astonishing project : the production of mozzarella on Reunion soil ! An original but by no means reckless project, behind which is a chef of Italian origin established on the island, Alexandre Lampis, who has....

Distillery aromas being its range of pei alcohols

Connue pour sa vodka péi primée dans un concours international de spiritueux, la distillerie du Domaine des Tourelles étend sa gamme d’alcool de dégustation à de nouvelles saveurs. Les recettes sont prêtes. Wilfrid Lebon et Sarah Mussard n’attendaient que la livraison des bouteilles. It's done : end of March, At the beginning of April, ils commenceront la commercialisation d’une nouvelle gamme d’alcools...

The SPHB drives its brands

Basket of Gold Oil "DUO Olive Sunflower, new italian brand, ambitions on the catering market… Things are happening at the SPHB, whose new general manager Jean Marie OLLIVIER took office last September. This Breton native has been a specialist in the Made in France agri-food industry for over 25 years.. An experience....

The collective brand Nou la fé continues its rise

RPE-OI, Ralph Communication, Bourbon Composites and Eurocanne : four new local industrial companies have joined the process, portant à 40 le nombre d’attributaires affichant Nou la Fé sur tout ou partie de leurs produits. Les demandes d’attribution des nouvelles entreprises ont été validées par le comité d'attribution Nou la fé du 10 décembre 2020. Les six nouvelles marques ajoutent 160...

Jean-Marie Ollivier, 25 years in the food industry

Jean-Marie OLLIVIER worked for a long time within a well-known group in the agro-food sector, Wisdom, one of the major players in the cheese and dairy world. In office since September 2020, Jean-Marie OLLIVIER is starting a new page in his professional career at SPHB's general management, but also his family life since he moved to Reunion with his family....
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