18.8 C
Monday 24 February 2025


Production locale

Small Reunionese pots for babies

First 100% Reunion baby food offer, the P’tit Baba Bio range, as well as the Mamilafé project, are made from traditional fruits and vegetables from local organic farming. An innovation in a food market hitherto the prerogative of large imported specialized brands. Food for children is largely absent from the Péï food offering. : c’est que...


SPHB flagship product, ISIO 4 oil adds additional quality to its nutritional value in October : its new bottle is lighter in plastic. otherwise, all SPHB references now include 25% recycled PET in their manufacturing. At the beginning, the need to change the labeler, material dating from the beginnings of the factory, there's...

Lion Cafe : power to the imagination

Known and appreciated for its ability to innovate without losing any of its local brand identity, the historic Reunion roaster is now seen as the coffee expert in Reunion, present in all segments. In support, surprising new features, offensive marketing and a modernized industrial tool. Ou comment une entreprise quasi artisanale fait de sa petite taille...

Winged Pods : the original taste of chocolate

Nés de la passion d’un jeune ingénieur agronome Réunionnais pour le cacao, les chocolats de dégustation Les Cabosses Ailées nous font découvrir le véritable goût du chocolat. Ils sont à retrouver dans toutes les épiceries fines de la Réunion, les caves à vins, ainsi que dans les Hyper Leclerc au rayon Produit de terroir. L’histoire des Cabosses Ailées, c’est celle...

Tezi Tea iced teas produced in Reunion

Designed in Reunion, launched in 2018, the brand of péï iced teas from Brasseries de Bourbon was, for mainly economic reasons, previously manufactured in the Netherlands by a supplier of the Heineken group. With the launch, since August 31, of this production locally, the Tezi Tea project reaches its full realization. From the start, indeed, Brasseries de Bourbon...

This too : energy consumption under control

La coopérative agricole a réussi à faire chuter, en 11 ans, la consommation d’énergie de son usine du Port de plus d’un tiers tout en doublant sa production d’œufs. « Avant de rejoindre le programme assURE, nous nous sentions un peu isolés dans notre démarche d’économie d’énergie… » remarque Patrick Le Lionnais, responsable d’exploitation chez Ovocoop. Labellisé assURE, l’entreprise fait...

assure : the Reunion energy management label

At a level equivalent to ISO 50 001, the assURE label puts energy management certification within the reach of small and medium-sized industries. The first received the label last June. ADIR is carrying out this project, financially supported by ADEME and the Réunion Region and accompanied by EDF in Réunion.. Elle vise 20 entreprises...

St Rolan, partner of Chronopost to deliver to small businesses

Coupled with Ti Boutik cardboard and online ordering, delivery via the Chronopost circuit solves the difficulties of supplying sandwich bread and pastries to small local shops and remote locations, and at no extra cost to them. « St Rolan va vers les petits commerces et les restaurants de quartier pour leur donner les moyens...

New faith : four new good reflexes

Le comité d'attribution de la marque collective du 13 juillet a labellisé Soretub, concrete pipe manufacturer, the artisanal ice cream parlor Le Monde la Glace, Pack Oi, packaging manufacturer, and HBA Trading which sells locally produced halal meat and charcuterie. Glacier artisanal, Le Monde de la Glace vend ses produits à travers une dizaine de points de vente répartis entre...

Bourbon Wood Experience : appointment made for the opening at the end of the year

As planned by its manager, Morgane Osta Friend, the opening of the construction site of the future Bourbon Bois Expérience manufacturing and production plant, financially supported by the France Relance plan, took place at the beginning of May on the ZAC Roland-Hoarau in Pierrefonds. Morgane Osta Amigo was surrounded by 17 members of her team to receive Gilbert Manciet, sub-prefect at....