20.5 C
Monday 24 February 2025


Production locale

Soboriz | the local industrialist is working hard

New packaging, shield quality price, industrial equipment limiting plastic packaging, support a local artist : the spirit of rice, message of equality, of mutual aid and confidence in the future, blows on the Reunionese company. Historically the first rice mill in Reunion, Soboriz, with its brands Le Forban and Le Capricorne, has been selecting the best rice in the world for over 50 years. Plus que jamais tournée...

New horizons for country pork and beef

Sica Viandes announces three new products which enrich its range of country products : frankfurter sausages, loin bacon and beef sausage. Saucisses de Francfort Les saucisses les plus cuisinées sont désormais disponibles en version pays. A new recipe for better taste quality. The quality of local meat and artisanal know-how guarantee....

Danone Réunion takes up the organic challenge

With the launch of “Bio de Danone Réunion”, the first organic yogurts produced in Reunion Island appear on supermarket shelves in May. Danone Réunion makes organic yogurt accessible to as many people as possible, providing the first local response on an industrial scale to the new expectations of Reunion consumers. It's a small revolution in the department....

2021, an important year for Grand Sud Productions

Capri-Sun replaces its plastic straws with recyclable paper straws. More, ce n'est pas la seule actualité de la marque, comme l'explique Benoît Rimbaud, general director of Grand Sud Productions. How was 2020 ? This complicated year required the entire Grand Sud Productions team to have a real capacity for adaptation and great agility.. With a first semester....

Three more assets for Nou la fé

Le premier comité d'attribution de la marque collective de l’année 2021 a attribué le 30 mars dernier le label Nou la fé aux marques et produits de trois entreprises familiales et artisanales de l’alimentaire et de l’équipement BtoB. Des savoir-faire, un engagement pour le territoire et une envie de produire localement pour répondre à une demande sont des valeurs partagées...

Recycling | manufacturers address consumers

On the initiative of Brasseries de Bourbon, three local industrial players (with BB, Bourbon Plastics Packaging and Cycléa) join together to, with the support of the Qualitropic competitiveness cluster, promote the sorting of household waste and recycling in the service of the circular economy. The fact is known : the recyclability rate of household waste has remained desperately stable for years. In cause,...

Combined production charter : industry and mass distribution formalize their dialogue

L'ADIR a signé le 16 février dernier avec les enseignes de distribution locales une charte d’engagement pour le soutien à la création de valeur par le développement de la production locale dans la distribution alimentaire. The initiative aims to promote dialogue between major retail players and local suppliers.. This signing was made under the aegis and....

RPE-OI : a company born in five months

The responsiveness of the local industry to produce hydroalcoholic gel and health protection masks was praised. RPE-OI takes a further step by establishing itself over the long term. Paul Soubaya tells the story of this project put together in record time. February 8, 2021, the decision falls : children must wear a mask from first grade. Dix...

Mozzarun : The Italian Reunion

To all good, all honor : it’s Alexandre Bègue, author of the excellent blog RestoRéunion and collaborator of the JIR, that we owe the discovery of this astonishing project : the production of mozzarella on Reunion soil ! An original but by no means reckless project, behind which is a chef of Italian origin established on the island, Alexandre Lampis, who has....

Distillery aromas being its range of pei alcohols

Known for its award-winning péi vodka in an international spirits competition, the Domaine des Tourelles distillery extends its range of tasting alcohol to new flavors. The recipes are ready. Wilfrid Lebon and Sarah Mussard were only waiting for the bottles to be delivered. It's done : end of March, At the beginning of April, they will begin marketing a new range of alcohols...