23.7 C
Saturday 22 February 2025


Indian Ocean Express


Laws for Mayotte : l’État repousse l’échéance Les élus mahorais étaient invités à l’Élysée le 18 mai pour, theoretically, learn about the two laws for Mayotte that the State wishes to present shortly to the Council of Ministers. It has not happened. Emmanuel Macron only asked elected officials to once again express their expectations, and a new consultation meeting was....


Pénurie de main-d’œuvre locale dans l’industrie Lors de son assemblée générale, end of April, the Association of Mauritian Manufacturers pointed out the shortage of local labor which pushes production companies to recruit foreign workers. This trend is considered dangerous by Mauritian industrial companies, who want to promote professions in the sector. The feminization of employment is....


Le FMI accorde une bonne note L’économie seychelloise a poursuivi son redressement en 2023, said the head of an International Monetary Fund delegation visiting the archipelago in early April. The country's gross domestic product increased by 3,2% last year, tourist arrivals reached a level equivalent to 91% of that before the pandemic and...


Les effectifs de Madagascar Airlines vont fondre Avec seulement deux avions petits porteurs dans sa flotte, Madagascar Airlines (the merger of Air Madagascar and Tsaradia) still employs 800 people. Even if the Malagasy company plans a redeployment of its activities, this situation of overstaffing is not tenable ; a voluntary departure plan was initiated in March. Thierry de...


Climat des affaires morose L’inquiétude grandissante des acteurs économiques mahorais s’est accentuée au 4e trimestre 2023, according to the latest economic report from Iédom. The business climate indicator (ICA), established based on the opinion of business leaders, falls below its long-term average for the first time since 2020. Degraded cash flow, extended payment terms, workforce....


Omnicane : du charbon à la biomasse Le groupe Omnicane annonce sa volonté d’éliminer graduellement l’utilisation du charbon dans ses deux centrales électriques de Saint-Aubin et de La Baraque (Savannah), where the Albioma group has a minority stake. Omnicane signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation at the beginning of April (the International Finance Corporation, subsidiary of the World Bank) who go...


Une écloserie d’oursins à l’essai Une écloserie d’oursins, which will also be able to produce juvenile sea cucumbers, started its activities at the end of February in Mahé. The structure was built by a South African company and financed by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility, to the tune of $121,000. A second hatchery, oriented towards the production of....


Les Maldives se détournent de l’Inde Les Maldives ont obtenu le départ des 85 soldats indiens postés sur leur territoire depuis plusieurs années, to carry out medical evacuation missions in particular. The new Maldivian president, Mohamed Muizzu, was elected last November after campaigning against Indian interference in the country, while the Narendra Modi regime has...


Nickel et cobalt, premiers produits d’exportation Madagascar a exporté 39 300 tonnes de nickel et de cobalt en 2023, figure slightly increased compared to the previous year. These minerals became the main export products of the Big Island, value. The latter, however, decreased between 2022 and 2023, going from 4,606 to 4,150 billion ariarys (938 to 845..


Des drones contre l’immigration clandestine La Légion étrangère basée à Mayotte a utilisé des drones du 11 au 15 mars dans le cadre d’opérations de lutte contre l’immigration clandestine et d’une réquisition administrative. This experiment will undoubtedly call for others, remote-controlled devices equipped with cameras making it possible to track illegal immigrants who escape the....