23.2 C
Wednesday 22 January 2025


Indian Ocean Express


7 millions de dollars de bénéfice pour Air Seychelles Air Seychelles a réalisé un bénéfice historique de 7 millions de dollars en 2023, announced the airline in mid-September. It records a second consecutive financial year in the green and significantly exceeds its budget forecasts. The national company specifies that it injects its profits into repaying its debt and making provisions..


Prospection pétrolière en projet avec les Seychelles L’île Maurice et les Seychelles vont mener une première étude exploratoire afin d’identifier la présence éventuelle de pétrole sous le plateau des Mascareignes, the maritime area that they jointly manage. The two countries will, to begin with, select the company that will be responsible for this mission. If oil is discovered and put....


Le Département veut être intégré au COI Le conseil départemental de Mayotte a voté le 10 septembre une motion demandant l’intégration du 101e département français à la Commission de l’océan Indien. Mayotte has been excluded since the creation of the regional cooperation organization, in 1984, due to the non-recognition of its belonging to France by the Comoros and....


Fin du monopole d’État sur l’importation de riz ordinaire L’Onicor (National Rice Import and Marketing Office) is no longer the only organization authorized to import ordinary rice into the Union of the Comoros. The implementing order for a decree written a year earlier has finally been published, end of August : the importation of the staple food of the Comorians is liberalized. The State has....


Les Seychelles au top du classement des TIC Les Seychelles figurent sur la troisième marche du podium des pays de l’ensemble africain dans le classement 2024 de l’indice de développement des TIC, behind Libya and Morocco. Every year, The International Telecommunications Union measures the development of information and communication technologies in 170 countries across....


L’inflation ralentit Le taux d’inflation s’est élevé à 2,7% in July, after 2,2% in June and 5,9% in July 2023, selon Statistics Mauritius. Mauritian inflation tends to slow down, price drops having even been noted between June and July on alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The increase, however, continued in food and....

Indian Ocean

La COI a un nouveau secrétaire général Edgard Razafindravahy a succédé le 15 juillet à Vêlayoudom Marimoutou au secrétariat général de la Commission de l’océan Indien. Graduate of ESSEC, this business leader present both in the Malagasy media, printing and flour milling also has a long political career to its credit. He was notably president of the....


Le téléphérique de Tananarive bientôt opérationnel Le président de la République Andry Rajoelina a effectué un premier trajet en téléphérique, last June 21, above Antananarivo. Five days before the national holiday, he wanted to demonstrate to the inhabitants of the capital that his cable transport project was about to succeed. However, no official date has been announced for the....

Indian Ocean

WATCH : 38e conseil des ministres à Maurice Le Conseil des ministres annuel de la Commission de l'océan Indien s’est tenu le 16 mai à Maurice. Maritime safety, health, fisheries monitoring, climate and island diplomacy were among the subjects on the agenda. The ministerial meeting was also marked by the signing of a subsidy contract for....


Une raffinerie d’or en projet Le président malgache Andry Rajoelina a annoncé début mai la création prochaine d’une raffinerie d’or à Madagascar, in partnership with the United Arab Emirates. The objective is “to transform ourselves in Madagascar the gold extracted from Malagasy soil into monetary gold and gold ingots before exporting it abroad legally and in accordance with standards”,...