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Friday 7 March 2025


Indian Ocean Express

Indian Ocean

Un carrefour des dirigeants à Antananarivo Le Syndicat des industries de Madagascar et l’agence de communication Becom organisent les 5 et 6 décembre à Tananarive le premier CEO Summit, which aims to bring together 500 economic and institutional leaders from the Indian Ocean region. “Madagascar’s private sector sees the full potential of this region, and he is....


Lettuce : récolte en baisse La campagne de récolte des letchis a débuté le 12 novembre sur la côte est de Madagascar, in a gloomy atmosphere. The unfavorable weather conditions of the previous months raised fears of a significant drop in production, which is however much greater than the volumes exported. The floor price for purchasing fruit from collectors per....


Objectif neutralité carbone en 2050 Les Seychelles ont présenté fin octobre leur projet visant à atteindre la neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050, in line with the objectives of the 2015 Paris Agreement. The Seychelles project has two main axes : reducing human emissions, particularly those from transport and industries using fossil fuels, and compensation..


IBL se désengage d’AfrAsia Bank Le groupe mauricien IBL a annoncé mi-novembre son projet de cession de la participation de 30 % qu’il détient dans AfrAsia Bank à son homologue londonienne Access Bank UK, also established in Paris and Dubai. IBL is thus seeking to reduce its debt, without giving up its investment projects beyond the borders of....


Renforcement de la coopération avec le Mozambique L’adhésion du Mozambique au programme européen de coopération régionale Interreg ouvre de nouveaux horizons à Mayotte. A program monitoring committee, organized at the end of October in Mozambique, made it possible to define the priority areas : agriculture and short circuits, maritime and air connectivity. In this domain, the Mozambican airline LAM...

Comoros | AfDB to invest in ports

The African Development Bank (BAD) and the Union of the Comoros signed on October 1 a financing agreement covering 70 billion Comorian francs (approximately 142 million euros) concerning the rehabilitation of the country's ports and the creation of a special economic zone dedicated to inter-island trade. This is the largest ADB financing granted to....


Reprise touristique confirmée Les derniers chiffres de la fréquentation touristique malgache confirment la reprise du secteur, which, however, has not yet returned to the level before the health crisis. At least August, the Big Island welcomed nearly 24,000 external visitors, a little more than in August 2023, but less than in August 2019 (27,000 arrivals). In the field of air transport,...


Souveraineté partiellement retrouvée sur les Chagos Un litige territorial vieux de plus d’un demi-siècle a été tranché le 3 octobre. That day, the United Kingdom and Mauritius have reached an agreement on the sovereignty of the Chagos archipelago. Mauritius regains its sovereignty over Chagos, which were directly administered by London since 1965. The atolls had, in addition, been emptied...


Desalination plant : le marché attribué Le syndicat Les Eaux de Mayotte a attribué début septembre le marché de l’usine de dessalement d’eau de mer d’Ironi Bé au groupement constitué par Stereau (engineering subsidiary of the Saur group, representative), Artelia, Arom, Colas and Saur France. The global performance market is about design, the creation and operation of the....


Emirates se pose à Antananarivo Un Boeing 777 de la compagnie Emirates s’est posé pour la première fois à l’aéroport d’Ivato, September 3. This was the inaugural flight of the Dubai-Antananarivo line, now operated four times a week via the Seychelles. The President of the Republic Andry Rajoelina came in person to welcome the new pavilion. The company....