24.8 C
Saturday 15 March 2025


New products

Milka Brookie : a new gourmet experience

Milka puts an end to the beginning by combining all the softness of the cookie with the fondness of the brownie, in a new recipe full of tenderness. A product for the whole family. Packaged in six individually wrapped pouches, Milka brookie completes and strengthens the Milka portfolio while boosting the brownie segment. * PVCI : 2,49 € Distributeur Mondelez OI : tél....

Mini Neapolitan : a new use for more pleasure

The market leader in soft cakes returns in mini format. With a coffee or for small breaks to share during the day, this mini version of Lu’s best-seller aims to conquer the use of “small breaks” on the market. Short breaks represent a third of snacking occasions. Elles sont au cœur des tendances actuelles de...

Chipster, a new recipe with coral lentils

To celebrate its 120th anniversary, Belin launches a new coral lentil recipe for the first time. Crispy petals baked in the oven, without colorings, without preservatives, without artificial flavors, sources of fiber and protein. Offered in two flavors, finely salted and paprika, Coral lentil Chipster responds to a dual trend : un produit qui a du goût concilié à...

Great send of nuts, official partner of the big raid

Nuts’ desires at the start of the next Grand Raid ! It’s because they have energy, Nuts cravings. Distributed to competitors, they will bring them pleasure and energy during this formidable endurance effort. La dernière nouveauté Amandes et Cranberry est une recette fruitée faite d’inclusions d’amandes et de cranberry sur un lit de chocolat au lait....

The lion chocolate bar in family format

The famous Lion bar is now available in family size x 11 ! A bar to devour with the family that will make adults and children “roar with pleasure” with its melting caramel, its wheat cereals with a good biscuit taste, which crunchy in the mouth, and its 100% pure cocoa butter milk chocolate. Nestlé distributor Réunion :...

Recipes from the Atelier Noir roasted almonds

Its visible ingredients, carefully selected, make the “Les Recettes de l’Atelier Dégustation” range unique, in the Top 5 of the best FMCG/FLS innovations one year after its launch in mainland France. This is the case again with this new recipe, essential on the market : a dark chocolate bar with toasted almond pieces. Savoir-faire des chocolatiers et...

Kit Kat Pops arrive en force

Kit Kat expands its range of balls with the “extra gourmet” offer of Kit Kat Pops. And there's something to crack between the crispy Kit Kat wafer, the creamy heart and the melting milk chocolate. All in a resealable bag, a format to share. There are three Kit Kat Pops : Hazelnuts and Cocoa Nibs,...

P’tit brews 100% vegetable with banana or pear

Ces deux recettes 100 % végétales de Nestlé P'tit Brassé associent les vertus du lait de coco aux saveurs de la banane ou de la poire. These smoothies with a smooth texture made from coconut milk and a good fruit flavor are without added sugars. Recipes for babies from six months, distribuées dans un format...

Two new Nestlé little creamy treats

A creamy dairy product with cottage cheese for baby's pleasure and health. With plain P’tit Onctueux without added sugar and plain organic P’tit Onctueux with cane sugar, two gourmet notes enrich the baby food section. Their dairy product is specially designed for babies from six months old, with cottage cheese for creaminess and deliciousness. Fabriqués...

MYSODA offers its new Iced Tea Peach flavor concentrate

Recently located on the French market, l’entreprise finlandaise Mysoda conçoit et fabrique des appareils à gazéifier l’eau haut de gamme. Elle est le premier fabricant à proposer une machine en biocomposite durable à base de bois. Avec Iced Tea Pêche, Mysoda ajoute un nouveau concentré à sa palette d’arômes et s’adapte au goût dit “français”. Mysioda a d’ailleurs été, grâce...