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Saturday 22 February 2025




The Plastik’Akoz association and the Réunion academy have signed, almost a year ago, a partnership for the 2021-2022 school year with a view to developing joint actions on the theme of sustainable development and, more particularly, in the fight against plastic pollution. Because of plastic (which brings together Crédit Agricole de La Réunion, Antenna Meeting, EDF, Mouvement Leclerc et...

25 years of observation of Reunionese society

In the meeting, c’est le commerce de détail qui prend des parts de marché à la grande distribution et non l’inverse. Explication : le commerce de détail s’est hautement spécialisé et diversifié après le développement de la grande distribution sur l’île, et non avant comme en métropole. C’est l’une des observations mise en avant par Philippe Fabing, président et...


André Martin took over as general manager of Orange in Reunion and Mayotte in February, succeeding Jean-Marc Escalettes. He has been regional director of Orange Corse for four years.. With 20 years of experience within the group, this fifty-year-old “intends to take on the many challenges specific to the territories of Reunion and Mayotte, indique le communiqué de l’entreprise....

La Conserve confirms its place on the shelves

Like every year, the Uppia, collective of La Conserve, presents his inventory of the area, through different studies (Credoc, Ifop, Kantar, Segment). Un état des lieux des tendances et attentes des consommateurs qui sont autant de leviers d'actions pour les distributeurs. Between 2019 and 2021, canned goods consolidate their place as a reference in the eating habits of the French,...

A new brand of drinks flavored with aloe Vera

Bio, with infused aloe vera, “Aloe Waters by Eloa Waters” are intended to be a healthy and refreshing alternative to overly sweet drinks. Sustain the sectors, preserve the environment, fighting against waste and offering a healthy drink are the values ​​behind “Aloe Waters by Eloa Waters”. After several years of reflection, de travail et de...

New Côte d’Or products

Côte d’Or : davantage de plaisir à l’état brut La marque Côte d’Or élargit son offre avec Côte d’Or Blocs Noir Pecan et Noir Cajou en format de 180 g. These two new products arrive in the growing Bloc segment with the advantages of Côte d’Or dark chocolate, the raw pleasure of an intense taste, et de deux...


In the space of 10 years, awareness of air quality issues has become collective. This real public health priority is at the heart of the air project&me, the leading French player in indoor air treatment, whose products are now available in Réunion. Founded by Nicolas Planté, Air Naturel - become air&me en 2018...

Corolle grows gardeners' seeds

Corolle launches its La Fête du Potager collection, with playful and spring illustrations, intended for little budding gardeners from 18 months. A collection of dolls to bring young and old together around gardening and discover the magic and richness of nature. Suzie the broccoli, Charlotte the carrot, Tom the tomato, Grégoire the pear, Régine the eggplant, Paula la...

Organic mosquito repellent : one product for the whole family

This new product from Florame is available in a Lotion and an Anti-Mosquito Family Spray. Ally to keep mosquitoes away and avoid their bites, Florame Anti-Mosquito Family Lotion is also effective in repelling flies.. Its formula enriched with Eucalyptus Citriodora extract provides protection for up to six hours on the standard Culex pipiens mosquito., le moustique méditerranéen Aedes aegypti et...

WOMAN DAY | A unique event for women

Prévue pour rassembler environ 200 femmes de différents horizons, la Woman Day se tiendra à la Réunion les 5 et 6 juin 2021 (date au choix) au Domaine Sainte Hélène. Une initiative originale qui proposera à ses participantes des ateliers instructifs et motivants autour de thèmes divers intéressant tous les aspects du développement personnel. Un week-end riche conçu pour donner...