23.1 C
Monday 10 March 2025


Stores & Clients

For E.Leclerc Réunion, « l’inflation, it’s fought”

In March, food prices increased by 1,6% in Reunion, the largest monthly increase since March 2022. In one year, food prices increased by 5,9% on our island, which is significantly less than at the national level where the increase is +15,9 %. Over a year, l’inflation globale des prix s’élève...

Natur House, 33rd in the Top 100 franchises in France

The brand of experts in weight loss and nutritional rehabilitation, well established in Reunion Island where it has four centers, ranks among the best franchises in a national ranking of 1,965 brands, all sectors combined. This annual ranking is established by Franchise Directe, first global network for connecting franchisees and franchisors. En plus de sa place...

La Case à Pains in the heart of Saint-Benoit

The Bread Box, network of artisanal Reunion bakeries and pastries from the L2D group, opened its eighth store, March 24, in Saint-Benoit. Son réseau est désormais constitué de 10 points de vente : seven La Case à Pains bakeries, a neighborhood bakery under the Ti Case à Pains brand and two two vans. Fidèle à sa passion pour l’art de...

Optical : Chevillard sees further thanks to Lissac

Une nouvelle page s’ouvre pour l’opticien historique réunionnais dont les neuf magasins viennent d’être rachetés par Lissac, l’enseigne française d’opticiens plus que centenaire. Un positionnement et des valeurs communes expliquent ce rapprochement. « En rejoignant Lissac, les neuf magasins Chevillard bénéficient de la politique d’achat, du soutien technique et logistique de l’enseigne tout en continuant de s’appuyer sur un management local...

Friendship, authenticity, quality : the rule of three of etc

Spices, thé, café : this is the other meaning of etc., which is pronounced “et cetera”. A name that takes on its full meaning with, since 2020, the range of specialty coffees from around the world offered by this small, local and independent chain of three boutiques, founded by three friends, which has its own roasting workshop. Ils sont...

Michel-Édouard Leclerc in Reunion : “We are low price activists”

Chairman of the strategic committee of the E.Leclerc centers, Michel-Édouard Leclerc was in Reunion, early February, for a three-day working session with the E.Leclerc Réunion teams, in the context of annual commercial negotiations between suppliers and commercial brands closed on February 28. “It is also an opportunity to demonstrate education and transparency towards Reunion consumers”, expliquait...

Signing of a solidarity pact for commercial negotiations

The Minister Delegate in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises, of Commerce, of Crafts and Tourism, Olivia Gregoire, and the Minister responsible for Industry, Roland Lescure, welcomed the unprecedented agreement signed under their aegis in December between professional federations of suppliers and representatives of large-scale distribution with a view to the 2023 commercial negotiations. Une semaine après le...

Léon Fish in Saint-Gilles : a brasserie by the sea

Saint-Gilles-les-Bains has a new restaurant brand : Léon Fish Brasserie has opened its doors, last December 12, on the “whale’s tail” square in the marina. Its sea brasserie concept is in keeping with the times. The initiative goes to Fabrice Noël : after a career as an international manager in mass distribution, ce...

Nicolas’s 200th birthday celebrated in Reunion

La soirée à la cave Nicolas de Saint-Denis qui s’est déroulée en novembre dernier clôturait une « tournée des caves » démarrée en avril dans la cave de Saint-André à l’occasion des 200 ans de l’enseigne. This series of private evenings was intended for the most loyal customers to thank them in a moment of conviviality. « Nous profitons de cet anniversaire pour mettre...

A second Case Café opens in the East

After the La Mare activity zone, in Sainte-Marie, in October, the L2D Group offers its original concept combining coffee shop and restaurant in February in Saint-Benoît. It's in the East, in Saint-Benoît, that the Case Café brand chooses to continue its deployment after appearing for the first time in Sainte-Marie last October. Une très bonne nouvelle...