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Tuesday 11 March 2025


Stores & Clients

Finding the right commercial direction with Magellan

Magellan is a sales force management and decision support system using commercial data, highlighting action priorities to gain in-store efficiency. This cutting-edge tool, whose employment is just beginning to develop in commerce in mainland France, is offered in Reunion to large-scale distribution suppliers (importers...

Simplification : a text of “capital importance” for the FFF

The French Franchise Federation unreservedly supports the action plan for the simplification bill presented by the government. The French Franchise Federation (FFF) greets enthusiastically, in a press release, the simplification measures for businesses of all sizes announced by Ministers Bruno Le Maire and Olivia Grégoire as part of...

Leroy Merlin beyond commerce

“Give your time and your heart” : at the initiative of its director, Maëva Grondin, the Leroy Merlin du Port store organizes solidarity home improvement projects, in partnership with the Western Territory. In addition to merchandise donations, volunteer employees take their working time to lend a hand to artisans..


The European Union, premier partenaire économique En 2022, trade between the Comoros and the European Union amounted to 81 million euros (+7,2% compared to 2021). Excluding petroleum products from the United Arab Emirates, Europe is the country's main economic partner with 18,7% of exchanges, according to figures communicated last March during a new....

The night market shines again

The artisanal meeting, friendly and family-friendly Saint-Denis made its big return on April 6, first Saturday of the month, and it will be like this every month from now on. The night market comes back to life in a new format and in a tavern spirit. From its historic heart, the Barachois, it now extends to the new square bordering the prefecture..

The best baguette in Reunion at the Case à Pains

Baker of the Ermitage Bread Case, Aymerick Bissay won the regional competition for the best traditional French baguette. Organized by the Réunion Federation of artisan bakers and pastry chefs, the regional test for the best traditional French baguette took place on March 21 at the Lux hotel in Saint-Gilles. The winner, Aymerick Bissay, work at the Case à bakery...

Lalmanaq of local good deals

Bring together local commercial offers and requests, provide low-income people with products and services at advantageous prices, make the smartphone a practical tool for everyday life : at the intersection of these objectives, Étienne Ablancourt and his team have imagined an e-commerce solution which has been the subject of a first experiment since this month..

The Caillé group wins the 2024 Ulysse prize

Moment of joy and pride, March 18, during the Ulysse 2024 prize award ceremony at the premises of the Automobile Club de France, in Paris. Under the patronage of Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, the Caillé group was awarded by the Association for the Turnaround of Businesses (ARE) the prestigious....

Loyalty programs : Fidelatoo change de dimension

Designed by digital business services agency Squirrel, Fidelatoo is an application that simplifies the management of loyalty programs for merchants. Hence its exponential success in less than two years of existence. Squirrel sera, nicer, at Vivatech to present the new version of Fidelatoo, richer in features and notably integrating generative AI for writing..

Champagne Boulard Bauquaire : a Reunion story

The Boulard Bauquaire house is one of the oldest in champagne. Eighth and ninth generations of winegrowers, Christophe Boulard and his son, Charles-Adrien, were in Reunion from April 3 to 6 for the 20/Vin wine fair, their partner of twenty-five years. A special relationship unites this house with Reunion Island, which today absorbs 30...