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Sunday 9 March 2025


Stores & Clients

Dress well organically

Vendue jusque-là en ligne, Moero, la marque réunionnaise de vêtements bio, vient d’ouvrir au mois de mars sa première boutique éco-box à Bellepierre. Petite boutique mais étape importante pour Vincent Sellom, passionné de mode pionnier du textile bio à la Réunion. Autre fierté de ce début d’année 2021 pour Vincent Sellom, le label “Made BY Réunion” que lui a attribué...

The Gamecash franchise in Reunion

Already present in Martinique, in Guadeloupe, in Guyana and New Caledonia, the brand selling and purchasing used video games and consoles is opening a point of sale in Saint-Pierre soon. Action, adventure, role play, fantasy, hack’n slash, platform, sport… Gamecash is a network of franchised stores, spécialistes du jeu vidéo et du multimédia d'occasion depuis 2005. The...

Despite crisis, Pharmabest vise 100 pharmacies en 2021

While pharmacies, like all health professionals, saw their activity impacted by the pandemic, the Pharmabest group continued its growth in 2020. With the arrival of 11 new large pharmacies over the last 12 months, the group confirms the attractiveness of its model which now has 98 pharmacies including two in Reunion. In a year of....


The sign, who will celebrate his 40th birthday next September, starts its 2021 financial year with around ten openings in France and Switzerland. It has 555 stores, including three in Reunion. Founded in 1981 by Philippe Ginestet, Gifi is the leading brand in France specializing in home and family equipment at good prices. The Group continues its....

A sixth Sikkens point of sale

The Omarjee Group continues the territorial network of the world's leading paint producer, Sikkens du groupe Akzo Nobel. It is in Sainte-Clotilde that the sixth point of sale of this brand, renowned both among professionals and individuals, is being opened.. If Sikkens is the reference in professional painting circles, the mark more than twice...

France Loisirs is reinventing itself

Last year, the company completely renewed its model by refocusing exclusively on books and with an unprecedented and almost disruptive innovation in this commercial sector. : the Pass-Lire with its “pot”, a kind of reading savings account that changes the way we buy. The loyalty prize pool formula allowing you to earn points or reduce prizes..

Wake Up ! blow out five candles

The first organic and bulk grocery store in Reunion opened its doors in January 2016. It remains at the forefront of zero waste and anti-waste commerce and has gained muscle by installing a second point of sale with restaurant in Saint-Gilles. Five years : suffice to say that the Wake Up ship ! took off for a....

At your place : a tasty concept

Catering, butcher and grocery store : located in Holy Land, “Chez Vous” offers an offer based on the culinary creativity of Fabrice Touzalin and a selection of local and imported products of impeccable quality. It is also the idea of ​​a small independent business allowing consumers to have everything at hand : an “all in one” still open...

ChocolaTé : a place of relaxation dedicated to chocolate

Saint-Pierre strengthens its reputation as a “trendy” town in Réunion with the opening of ChocolaTé, the first chocolate bar on the island. The name of the Saint-Pierrois chocolate bar plays on words since the place is also a tea room. Rue du Four à Chaux, it's a bright place, in pastel tones, with simple and elegant decor, with...

Caillé returns to promoting talent

Number one in electric vehicles in Reunion, the Caillé Group has signed a partnership contract with longboard world champion Alice Lemoigne, committed to protecting the lagoon and beaches. It was thirty years ago. The Caillé group gave birth to the “Les Talents Caillé” foundation with the aim of helping young athletes..