18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025


Stores & Clients

SOTO, new brand of the Ravate group

Created at the start of 2022, SOTO is dedicated to outdoor furniture and decoration. She opens a store in Saint-Paul Savannah. More than 500 references and a showroom of more than 1,000 m2 : SOTO immediately appears as one of the largest commercial spaces dedicated to the outdoors in Reunion Island.. La dernière née des enseignes du groupe Ravate...


Already supporting longboard champion Alice Lemoine, Jules Caillé Auto, subsidiary of the Caillé Group, expands its partnership to two new figures, one sporty, ultra-trail runner Sylvaine Cussot, and and the other artistic, photographer Jonathan Payet, to embody the values ​​of Peugeot and Opel models. In the first place, Peugeot renews its partnership with Alice Lemoigne, Ambassadrice de la e-2008 et...

More than 70 new stores for Krys Group

Leader in optics in France, Krys Group announces that it has reached a new record for store openings in more than 15 years and this, despite the health crisis and its impact on the retail sector. For the year 2021, the group records the opening of 73 new stores throughout the country. Krys Group est fort d’un réseau de 1 444 magasins...

Bread box : the L2D group at the bakery

Known for its dynamism in the franchise sector, the L2D group (Levy Development Distribution) reveals, with the acquisition of the Reunion network of La Case à Pains bakeries and pastries, its ambitions in food. To hear Olivier and Anne Levy, the founding directors of the L2D group, it is not only for La Case à Pains that a new page is opening, more...

Reunionese cuisine at Picard

The Picard teams wanted to honor the emblematic dishes of Reunionese cuisine. Developed by Picard Réunion in collaboration with Maison Isautier and Sapmer, three recipes inspired by Reunionese gastronomy are distributed in the national network of Picard stores, as well as at Reunion. It's for lunch - at the Dionysian restaurant L’Orangerie - that the press invited,...

Launch of Orange Digital Workshops

To answer the questions and difficulties of certain people in the use of digital tools, Orange Réunion Mayotte offers group learning courses locally from November, as is already practiced in mainland France. These first digital workshops will be held at the Orange Smart Store in Saint-Denis, rue Chatel. Orange, hired operator, gets involved in digital inclusion. Le directeur d’Orange Réunion...

The R’Electro brand sets up shop at the Port

Already present in Saint-Pierre, Saint-Leu, Saint-André and Saint-Denis, the R’Electro brand, specialized in household appliances, multimedia and home equipment, opened a new store on November 20 in the Cap Sacré Cœur commercial area. With an area of ​​1,200 m², R’Electro Le Port allows you to discover more than 12,000 references in household appliances, de multimédia et...

Decathlon makes Saint-Denis run

The third Decathlon store in Réunion opened its doors on November 12 in Commune Primat, bringing to fruition the vast sports center project of the municipality to the east of the city, qui comprend aussi un centre multi-loisirs Il y avait foule et animation dès les premières minutes d’ouverture du nouveau magasin Décathlon à Saint-Denis. Preuve que Decathlon était attendue...

The Péi Universe : the Reunion organic food e-shop

New online sales site for local products, Univert Pei is positioned on organic. The activity starts in the North-East zone with an original delivery method to meeting points. “My name is Rekha Ramlagun, I am 30 years old, et j’ai créé ma boutique en ligne L’Univert Péi qui commercialise des produits alimentaires frais 100 % péi et...

My Test Shop in Beauséjour

L’appel à candidatures est lancé. Porté localement par l’association Initiative Réunion, la Boutique à l’Essai s’adresse aux personnes ayant un projet de commerce, qui peuvent tester leur concept au sein d’une boutique pilote. Soutenue par la CINOR, cette proposition innovante est menée en partenariat avec la Fédération nationale des Boutiques à l’Essai et CBo Territoria. L’appel à candidatures de Ma...