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Tuesday 4 March 2025



How to successfully implement Social Selling in your business

Comment contacter les bonnes personnes au bon moment sur les réseaux sociaux afin de faire gagner de la visibilité et des leads à son entreprise ? Tout décideur, manager ou responsable commercial comme marketing a rencontré cette problématique. Le Social Selling est désormais l’outil indispensable des équipes commerciales pour prospecter en mode multicanal et tirer le meilleur des réseaux...

Balancing the structure and social dynamics of the company

Our business model, based on consumption and excessive use of resources, runs out of steam a little more every day. It is time for our organizations to take stock of their responsibilities and create a new sustainable dynamic, respectful of people and the environment. In this work, l’auteur décrit l’entreprise comme un système vivant qui repose sur trois éléments...

Managing artificial intelligence

Artificial or AI intelligence machines bring out a new complexity in the professional world and in our private lives. L’intrusion d’internet, digital and AI is such that the roles and missions of people are called into question by machines. Many trades and jobs will disappear, Others will be created. Mais tous seront impactés par l’IA...

Managing teleworking and remote working

For a decade, teleworking is experiencing considerable development and this dynamic will continue in the coming years. Today, a third of employees are concerned and by 2030, half of jobs will be teleworked. This method of organization responds to business challenges : agility, flexibility and transversality. Il satisfait aussi les besoins des salariés en matière de...

What really makes us happy ?

In a book unpublished in France, five million readers in the United States, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus proclaim minimalism as a way of life. In this already cult work, ils proposent une méthode pour vivre l'essentiel et le précieux de la vie, without wasting any more time. La communication, information and advertising, food, the journey, l'habitat, the...

The agri-food auditor’s kit

The health crisis confirms that actors in the food supply chain are constantly facing new challenges in terms of food quality and safety.. In this book written with four hands, Olivier Boutou and Patrick Bottino, experts on these topics, methodically and pedagogically sift through all the themes of the audit..

Responsible negotiation

An educational companion to conduct your own negotiations and reach a lasting agreement in the digital age and ecological transition. The digital era has a strong impact on negotiations : hyper transparency subjects everyone to the collective eye, social networks multiply the stakeholders and their powers, big data is revolutionizing transactions. To play your own negotiations and achieve....

101 good management practices

This book is in its third edition ! Fouzia Boukhira is senior director of training and organizational development in a renowned company in Canada. Graduate in human resources, in training management and certified coach, she supports managers in their professional development. You are promoted to manager, you become responsible for a team, the challenge is stimulating...

How to decode digital vocabulary

Bernard Just is a digital transformation consultant, speaker and author of several books, after having been HRIS manager (référent sur les systèmes d'information de l’entreprise) for many years. Sa double culture informatique et numérique l'a mené tout naturellement au monde du digital pour lequel il se passionne et qu'il enseigne dans son propre organisme de formation et à...

The guide of the community manager

Social networks are now part of our daily life. They are essential for communicating, informer, publicize its products, sell services or develop your business. But how to use them well to benefit from them ? Because if it seems easy to post on Facebook and Twitter, it is more difficult to exploit its full potential. Synthetic and very practical,...