19.8 C
Tuesday 4 March 2025



Encourage well-being at work

It is now proven that well-being at work contributes to professional performance. This is why employees and managers alike want to encourage it within companies.. However, well-being at work cannot be decreed or improvised. It must be driven by a quality of life at work policy that is based on solid theoretical foundations and practices..

Social management control

Personnel costs represent half of a company's structural expenses. It is therefore imperative to control and manage this payroll as well as the workforce., with the objective of economic sustainability of the company. But the reality of social management control goes beyond simple HR dashboards. Quelles sont les techniques à mettre en œuvre...

Withholding tax and its particularities in DSN

The first approach to the withholding tax on the salary slip is relatively simple. However, The payroll manager is often faced with special situations both in the area of ​​payroll and through the nominative social declaration (DSN). Rate and plate errors, Salary reminder after the termination of the employment contract, ou encore...

Teleworking in practice

In a still uncertain health and economic context, teleworking is now proving essential in companies. More and more of them are implementing it and public administrations are now deploying it for millions of civil servants. The legal obligation to preserve the health of employees, les économies substantielles de mètres carrés de bureaux et les gains de...

Webinars and virtual classes

In a context where traveling becomes difficult, all trainers need to develop their remote facilitation skills. Or, if technological progress today makes it increasingly easy to organize webinars or virtual classes, It is essential to prepare well to implement effective training. Comment créer un webinaire ou une...

Neither conditioned, nor manipulated

Que l’on en soit conscient ou non, la manipulation fait partie de notre quotidien… Souvent collective, elle peut pourtant aussi être individuelle et personnelle : elle intervient alors dans notre couple, notre entourage familial ou amical, ou encore dans notre vie professionnelle. Comment reconnaître les situations dans lesquelles nous sommes manipulés ? Celles où nous devenons manipulateurs à notre...

CSE : understand the company’s accounts and their issues

Layoff plans, caused by the Covid-19 crisis or a reorganization, oblige the CSE (social and economic committee) to take an interest in the company's accounts. Indeed, only a precise financial analysis will make it possible to identify the reality of possible difficulties and the possible room for maneuver. General and analytical accounting, consolidated accounts : le domaine est vaste et...

Auto-coaching pour managers

Supervise a team, give meaning to action, carry out a project, bring values ​​to life, boost creativity and motivation... So many missions which illustrate how becoming a manager cannot be improvised ! SO, how to manage a team well ? What qualities and skills to highlight ? Comment gérer son stress et adopter des...

The disciplinary power of the employer

The employer has disciplinary power which authorizes him to reprimand an offending employee.. However, this practice is subject to compliance with a strict procedure, under penalty of litigation with the employee, or even a dispute before the industrial tribunal. To avoid reaching this end that is always difficult to live with, le chef d’entreprise doit sécuriser ses pratiques et se poser des...

Understanding the pay slip

Remuneration elements, bonuses and allowances, duration of work, absences, daily social security allowances, withholding tax… constantly evolving regulations characterize employee pay in France ! Despite a new simplified pay slip, its reading always remains complex and can cause incomprehension or confusion. SO, how to better navigate this maze, comprendre...