24.3 C
Tuesday 4 March 2025



Psychosocial risks in the workplace

Psychosocial risks (RPS) have their origins in the organization of work and are closely linked to managerial practices intended to strengthen profitability in the private sector, or to reduce costs in the Civil Service. They have increased with the health crisis and its procession of business closures, de licenciements et de remises en cause des acquis...

Project planning

Large companies or public authorities, Innovative SMEs or multinationals, all are brought, in the management of their projects, to develop and follow plans to improve their performance. What Techniques to Use to Calibrate Cost Needs, deadlines, possible scenarios, human and material resources ? Without forgetting the company strategy, qui impacte inévitablement...

A thoughtful digital identity

More than ever, le numérique est présent dans nos vies. Les périodes de confinement et le télétravail n’ont fait que renforcer cette présence à la fois dans nos vies professionnelles et dans nos vies personnelles. Le numérique est également entré dans notre intimité depuis plusieurs années, avec notamment la collecte de données concernant notre santé. SO, comment protéger son...

Digital marketing in 150 questions

1,8 billion websites, 5 billion internet users… Be present on the web through a showcase site, an e-commerce site, a blog or personal page, it is now a simple formality. But how can you be seen by your potential customers? ? How to appear in the first Google search results ? How to convert your visitors into buyers ?...

The samurai manager

In order to restore a noble meaning to professional commitment and consolidate a corporate culture, managers display their goodwill by adopting ethical charters and codes of conduct which highlight the virtues of the Samurai : honesty, courage, benevolence, loyalty…Just like Bushidô (or “The Way of the Warrior”) et le Hagakuré ont...

The energy to undertake

An entrepreneurial wave is sweeping across France. Getting started is no longer enough. You have to go the distance to reach the 40% who pass the threshold of just starting. SO, what new posture to adopt to deploy a true vision and orient yourself well ? How to choose appropriate support and avoid the risks of insecurity ? L’auteur s’adresse à tous...

Gender equality at work from A to Z

In terms of salary, of training, promotions, women are still treated worse than men. And almost 50 years after the first law relating to equal pay between women and men, inequalities persist. Written in the form of an alphabet book, ce livre recense les articles de lois qui forment le corpus de l’égalité femmes/hommes...

Accounting, finance, business management in practice

Learning accounting, of analytical and financial management is still too often based on tedious terminology and principles stated as they are. With the aim of dusting off accounting and financial concepts generally taught in a forbidding manner, the author proposes an innovative method based on two principles. Rethinking pedagogy : le lecteur est placé en situation de construire...

Driving change in business

Quel est le point commun à tous les décideurs qui doivent conduire le changement ? Définir ce qui doit changer et le traduire dans les faits. And this, avec des enjeux de rapidité d’exécution de plus en plus cruciaux pour l’entreprise. Pour y arriver, les décideurs disposent d’un allié de taille, mais qu’ils connaissent mal : le terrain. Si les décideurs...

Shape your job !

What meaning do you give to your work? ? How to thrive there ? Changing jobs could be the solution, but not necessarily… So, how to review your missions to spend time on what brings you the most satisfaction ? How to rethink your organization to achieve better productivity ? Comment retrouver votre motivation et améliorer...