18.1 C
Saturday 23 November 2024



Managers, take on the challenge of a new position !

Newly appointed, recruited or promoted, you need support. But you have the feeling that asking for help could represent a first admission of weakness... This book is for you, managers in a position change situation. Supported by a concrete and real example as a common thread, l’auteur relate les différentes étapes de la première année d’une prise...

Former sans stress !

Parent, teacher or trainer, who has never been confronted with a feeling of helplessness in the face of a blocked situation between teacher and learner ? Indeed, certain situations cause stressful behaviors, which can lead to psychological resistance and disrupt learning. From concrete examples, l’auteur propose des clés issues de la process communication qui permettront d’identifier votre...

Human ecology and efficient business

Ecology, defense of the environment, save the planet… Companies are now taking these concerns seriously ! This awareness has produced real progress : sustainable development and CSR policies, offsetting their carbon footprint, etc. The actions are numerous and increasingly better structured. Human ecology, with its holistic approach, permet de répondre aux...

Business for everyone in 60 days

How to stand out from the crowd and become the leader every company is looking for ? How does business really work? ? Why aren't consumers paying more attention to our messages? ? How to successfully finalize as many sales as possible ? What does a good manager do? ? Tout ne s’apprend pas en école de management et il est...

All trainers

Enseigner, c’est un véritable métier qui requiert une grande maîtrise. Et pourtant chacun s’est un jour trouvé en position de formateur pour essayer de transmettre son propre savoir : initier un collègue aux subtilités de PowerPoint, intéresser une classe entière d’adolescents ou encore aider un neveu à réviser… Pour faire de cet échange un moment « gagnant-gagnant » et...

Stop ! I stop worrying !

How do you react when things don't go your way? ? Are you sometimes helpless – or exasperated – when faced with the reactions of certain people? ? Do you sometimes find it hard to ask, or on the contrary to say no ? Do you find it difficult to make a decision because you are afraid of making a mistake? ? Do you sometimes encounter resistance,...

Reframe without demotivating

L’entretien de recadrage est un sujet sensible dans l’entreprise. Pratiqué mais jamais nommé, sa simple évocation fait naître des images mentales négatives : l’autorité, la hiérarchie, la subordination, la sanction… L’imaginaire collectif est puissant et les clichés ont la vie dure. Et dans un contexte social qui prône la réconciliation entre les salariés et l’entreprise, l’entretien de recadrage peut...


Au travers de ce nouvel ouvrage, Paul Pinto, préparateur mental en sport et en management, s’adresse à celles et ceux qui veulent véritablement influencer leur destinée professionnelle dans un monde incertain et difficile : managers à la recherche d’un souffle nouveau ou entrepreneurs qui veulent faire grandir leur projet. Trouver de nouvelles ressources intérieures pour s’améliorer, faire face aux...

Influence et manipulations

Prefaced by Bertrand Badie, renowned professor of international relations, this book is an essay based on a field study in a war zone, l'Ukraine, rich in numerous interviews with actors in the conflict. Ce livre raconte les "opérations d'influence", ces procédés de manipulation à grande échelle pour influer sur l'opinion publique et modifier le comportement des individus. Qu'elles...

Negotiated departures and conventional terminations

Negotiated departures have become more widespread in companies. All employees are affected, whether it concerns the workers, employees, technicians and executives. Around 30,000 conventional terminations would be formalized each month, and more than 4 million since their creation ! How to explain this phenomenon ? The desire for the employer to benefit from legal certainty, la volonté pour...
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