18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025



Simple and practical GDPR

As part of your professional or associative activity, we often use nouns, emails or phone numbers that identify our customers, our prospects or our citizens ? Which means we handle personal data, maybe even without knowing it. If this is the case, this book is timely. In...


The world of marketing has changed a lot. In the digital age, can we still focus on what customers say they want?, or spend your budget on advertising with all your might ? PsychoMarketing is based on what science teaches us about brain mechanisms : how does humankind notice, perceives, memorize, decides and acts. Connaître ces...

60 minutes to learn to speak in public

Knowing how to speak in public is an essential skill for everyone, at one time or another in his life. Children and adolescents learn very early to give presentations in front of the whole class, while adults are sometimes obliged to make professional presentations in front of a very serious audience. Timidity, uncooperative public, manque...

Managers, trust yourself !

Our preconceived ideas about management could lead us to think that managers are necessarily men or women who have confidence in themselves to meet the challenges of their daily lives.. However, many managers become one without ever having taken training, and their self-confidence is constantly tested. This book, enrichi de...

60 minutes to flourish as a family

Frantic pace, poids des responsabilités et peur de transmettre des schémas d’éducation erronés... Being a parent can sometimes be stressful. And today's children live realities that we often have difficulty understanding. We are all parents who want to do well ; but do we have the right keys ? Et si nous commencions par l’éducation...

Design and deliver an immersive training experience

La réalité virtuelle est sous le feu des projecteurs. En plein essor dans le secteur des jeux vidéo, elle commence également à poindre le bout de son nez dans nombre d’entreprises et d’organismes de formation. Indeed, c’est une véritable solution pédagogique pour des mises en situation délicates et complexes. Elle met l’accent sur des scénarios très visuels ou...

The Franchise Digital Meetings from January 19 to 21, 2022

Trade facilitator and business accelerator, the first edition of this 100% digital show aroused real enthusiasm last March. It returns in 2022 with more than 150 exhibitors, around fifteen conferences and a powerful match-making tool. With this second edition, ce sont désormais trois jours qui seront entièrement dédiés à la franchise et...

Qualitropic : call for exhibitors for the INIM show

Le salon Innovative Natural Ingredients Madagascar (INIM) se tiendra du 16 au 17 mars 2022 à Antananarivo. Plus qu’un événement commercial, ce rendez-vous des PME-PMI internationales dans les filières de la santé, cosmetic, ingrédients alimentaires ainsi que la bioconstruction, devient un événement d’aide au développement économique de l’agriculture à Madagascar. L’événement se déroulera au Radisson Blu Hôtel d’Antananarivo, proche...

Perfect your sales methods

Sale is a demanding job. Every year, only 24 % of sellers exceed their objectives, which often leads to a high level of stress and frustration for those who fail to reach them. However, If each product or service has its typology of buyers and its own sales process, les règles fondamentales restent les mêmes...

International employee mobility

International mobility practices in companies are multiple and constantly evolving. Today, HR departments must build packages that comply with both the increasingly demanding policies and legislation of host countries. The challenge ? Secure the employee's mission, afin que sa période de travail à l’étranger se déroule dans les meilleures conditions....