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Friday 31 January 2025


Leader news

Employment of seniors is growing

In 2022, 44% of residents of Reunion Island, aged 55 to 64, or 53,000 people, had a job, according to an INSEE study. More seniors are employed than in the past, but still struggle to stay there : after 55 years, the employment rate falls, reveals the study. For seniors looking for a job and registered...

Jérôme Gardody takes over as director of the IAE

Jérôme Gardody est le nouveau directeur de l'institut d'administration des entreprises l’école de management de l’université de La Réunion. He was elected to this position on June 13 to succeed Pascal Picard., who occupied it since 2014. Jérôme Gardody has already held several management positions, notably at the regional chamber of the social and solidarity economy (Cress) in between...

The number + 3,4%

This is the level of inflation in Reunion at the end of June 2024, measured against 2023. In June, the consumer price index fell by 0,4 %. This is the first decline recorded since September 2023. On the month, the price of fresh produce has, again, sharply decreased, but without yet regaining their level of....

Unemployment still falling

114,740 on average in the second quarter of 2024 in Reunion, according to France Travail. This number is down from 0,4% compared to the previous quarter and 2,3% over one year. Including those registered in reduced activity (categories B and C), the number of unemployed rises to 153,440 on the island, down by 0,2% on....

Esiroi students win a national prize

Un groupe d’étudiants de l'école supérieure d’ingénieurs Réunion océan Indien (Esiroi) won the Fruits and Vegetables Innovation prize during the last Ecotrophelia competition, which for twenty-five years has distinguished innovative agri-food projects designed within French higher education. As it happens, Time, Honorine, Torenika et Chain, 3rd year students at Esiroi, ont imaginé des biscuits fourrés aux fruits...

United Basalt Products buys the construction division of the Leandri group

Le groupe mauricien The United Basalt Products Limited (UBP) reached an important milestone in its growth, last July 1st, by finalizing the acquisition of the construction division of the Leandri group, a pillar in the construction sector in Reunion. The Bazalt Réunion holding company was born from this acquisition. Ses dix entreprises se répartissent en deux segments du secteur de...

Change of head at the IUT

Handover to the management of the Saint-Pierre University Institute of Technology, on the occasion of the start of the 2024 university year : Olivier Marc succeeds Richard Lorion, who has reached the end of his two non-renewable five-year terms and is preparing to run for president of the University of Reunion. Olivier Marc is, himself, graduated from IUT, où il a...

Company and Territory Trophy : Kèr Métis in the spotlight

Métis heart, artisanal biscuit factory based in L’Éperon, won first prize in the 7th edition of the Entreprise trophy & Territory, organized by CPME Réunion. Like every year, des étudiants de l'institut d'administration des entreprise ont audité les entreprises sélectionnées parmi 40 candidats. There were 14 finalists, se distinguant par leur ancrage territorial et leurs actions dans le domaine...

Saint-Denis finances 26 participatory projects

The city of Saint-Denis had allocated 1,5 million euros to its participatory budget in 2024, third of the name. At the end of a first selection phase, 54 projects, out of 171 presented by citizens of the capital, were put to a vote, online or organized on different sites. Près de 9 000 « électeurs » se sont exprimés et 26 projets ont finalement...

VSEs and SMEs struggling

The latest quarterly “SME Image” survey, réalisée par le conseil régional de l’ordre des experts-comptables et l’institut Sagis auprès d’un échantillon de 4 300 TPE et PME de l’île, a révélé une tendance à la baisse du chiffre d’affaires de ces dernières au premier trimestre 2024, par rapport au premier trimestre 2023. Une baisse de 0,8 % avait déjà été mesurée...