21.5 C
Wednesday 29 January 2025


Leader news

Against illegal work in the landscaping sector

The landscaping sector represents 220 companies in Reunion, i.e. 750 active people including 550 employees. It generates an annual turnover of 45 million euros and is mainly made up of small companies employing on average 2,5 employees offering varied activities : maintenance of parks and gardens, pruning and clearing, petits travaux de jardinage… Le secteur se structure...

Prices increased by 0,7% in January

Les prix à la consommation des ménages ont augmenté de 0,7% en janvier à la Réunion par rapport au mois précédent, announces INSEE. Tous les grands secteurs de la consommation sont concernés : energy, services, mais aussi les produits manufacturés, l’alimentation et le tabac. La hausse des tarifs de l’énergie s’accélère (+2,2%), s’approchant ainsi des niveaux de prix...

“Circular economy” label for Casud

The Southern Urban Community was awarded the “circular economy” label in January by Ademe, the national agency for ecological transition, during the European Energy Transition Conference held in Dunkirk. And the label, awarded for four years, rewards the actions and projects undertaken by the intercommunity on its territory (Between Two, Saint Joseph, Saint-Philippe et...

Unemployment decline at the end of 2020

The number of job seekers required to look for work and without activity (those in category A) was on average 132,350 in the 4th quarter of 2020 in Reunion, according to the latest official statistics. It went down by 2,4%, or 3,320 people, compared to the previous quarter, and 1,4% over one year. Total name....

The stable poverty rate

39% of Reunion Islanders lived below the metropolitan poverty threshold in 2018, according to INSEE. After having declined significantly between 2007 and 2017, as well as income inequality, the poverty rate remained stable in 2018, due to the deterioration observed in the labor market. Poverty remains much higher than in mainland France (15...

Digital uses : le smartphone, king of screens

Le nouveau panorama de l’Observatoire des Usages Digitaux réalisé par Médiamétrie confirme la part croissante du digital, désormais installé dans les habitudes des populations des Antilles, de Guyane et de la Réunion. In 2020, plus de 620 000 Réunionnais (88,1% de la population de 13 ans et plus) se sont connectés au moins une fois à internet, quels que...

A charter between local production and mass distribution

A charter was signed on February 16 in the prefecture between Production Locale Réunie and major retail players with the aim of “promoting dialogue” between the two parties and developing the share of local production in the offerings of large food surfaces on the island. According to the prefecture, she responds to a....

Commuting to work : rarely without a car

Seven out of ten Reunion Islanders working less than 5 kilometers from their home use the car to get there, reveals a recent study by INSEE, based on data from 2017. Over this distance, the use of public transport or cycling is less developed than in metropolitan regions, Île-de-France aside. Même en dessous de...

Internet speeds : Zeop again winner of the Perf barometer

For the fourth consecutive year, Zeop is the winner for the Réunion of the barometer established by the company nPerf. The latter continuously measures the amount of flow, download speeds and response times on the networks of the four internet service providers on the island. Zeop arrive premier, in front of Orange, Canal Box and SFR, in the three categories. La société du groupe...

Nicolas Lespine shows his full value

An original career path allows Nicolas Lespine to put a wealth of commercial experience at the service of the Point CHR Distribution development project. The director of Point CHR Distribution is 40 years old. “I was born on December 20. On my birthday, the whole Reunion is celebrating ! » observes Nicolas Lespine, smiling. C’est par un bagage...