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Thursday 30 January 2025


Leader news

CBo Territories : €103 million in turnover in 2020

CBo Territoria a réalisé l’an passé un chiffre d’affaires de 103,6 million euros, en recul de 6,4% par rapport à l’année précédente. « Un haut niveau de chiffre d’affaires qui démontre notre résilience », a commenté son PDG Eric Wuillai. La société de La Mare a été impactée par le confinement de mars à mai 2020, qui a entrainé...

Sapmer strongly impacted by the crisis

While waiting for the overall figures for the year 2020, armament Sapmer communicated its results for the 1st half of last year. They are not good, reflecting the strong disruption of fishing activities generated by the health crisis. Sapmer saw its turnover increase from 87,5 to 53,4 millions d’euros entre le 1er semestre 2019 et le...

Seafood market : numbers

The South Indian Ocean Sea Department commissioned a study in 2020 relating to the organization and structuring of the market for fishing and aquaculture products in Reunion Island., whose results were recently published. The inventory of the Reunion market firstly shows that traditional points of sale (fishmongers, markets…)...

SMEs resisted the crisis

The Image PME study by the Order of Chartered Accountants shows that Reunion SMEs resisted the health crisis relatively well at the end of the first three quarters of 2020.. They saw their turnover reduce by 1,1% over the period, against -8,7% for all French SMEs. If activity contracted sharply in the 2nd quarter (-14%), the...

The number

700 millions d’euros C’est le niveau de progression de l’épargne des ménages réunionnais, measured by Iédom, between December 2019 and September 2020. “This situation is explained by the period of confinement during which consumption was strongly restricted and also by the concern raised by the coronavirus pandemic which favors precautionary savings”, comments the Emission Institute. Les entreprises...

Port Reunion : -4% in 2020

The Grand Port Maritime was also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Tonnages processed decreased by 4% in 2020, by setting aside the activities of transfer of materials intended for NRL construction sites, which ended last year. According to the numbers, still provisional, 5 344 millions de tonnes de marchandises sont passées par...

Historic decline in air traffic in 2020

The final figures from Roland-Garros airport for 2020 confirm the first estimates : over the year, traffic dropped by 58,2%. The platform welcomed 1,040,139 passengers – a level equivalent to that of 1993 – compared to almost 2,5 million in 2019. Traffic collapsed from March, when the Covid-19 pandemic....

A Reunion project candidate for the La Fabrique Aviva competition

Specializing in the supply of street furniture made from 100% recycled plastic, the Reunion company Empreinte Urbaine wants to go further with its ValoPlastic project. Thanks to an innovative process, which is the subject of a patent application, it offers to transform plastic waste of all kinds, and without prior sorting, in a binder used in the composition of concrete,...

Dynamic salaried employment thanks to ETIs

Between 2008 and 2017, 9,500 jobs were created in the commercial sector, hors agriculture, in the meeting, measured INSEE. In all sectors, employment increased except in construction, particularly impacted by the economic crisis of 2007-2008. Mid-sized companies (ETI) and microenterprises contribute the most to the creation of salaried jobs. This growth....

Public employment : nearly one in three jobs

Fin 2018, 80,900 people worked in the public service in Réunion, almost one in three employed people, according to the latest figures from INSEE. Among them, 9% benefited from a subsidized contract, a share six times higher than in mainland France (outside Île-de-France). Between 2011 and 2018, public employment increased twice as fast in Réunion..