24.8 C
Saturday 15 March 2025


Leader news

An atlas of slavery in preparation

The Departmental Council announced in May the start of an atlas devoted to slavery in Reunion., “necessary tool for understanding how slavery impacted, in different areas, the territory, men and their memory », according to the community. Le futur recueil de cartes permettra de localiser et de donner une lecture...

Talents du service public : three open classes

The University of Reunion responded to the call for expressions of interest launched as part of the “Public service talents” plan, aimed at supporting talented young people from modest origins towards public service careers, thanks to reinforced preparation courses for competitive examinations. The three Reunion projects were selected. At the start of the academic year in August....

11 million euros for 9 projects

As part of the Exceptional Investment Fund, the Ministry of Overseas Territories will provide overall support of 11 million euros to 9 territorial projects in Reunion. The creation of an exchange hub in the Zac Roland-Hoareau de Pierrefons will thus be supported to the tune of 2,5 million euros, that of a multi-sport gymnasium at Le Chaudron for 2 million euros. At the Buffer, the...

St.Paul : CBo expands Marie-Caze

CBo Territoria announced on May 18 the delivery of the luxury residence Les Damiers 1, to Marie Caze, residential district created on 30 hectares by the group on its historic land in Plaine Saint-Paul. Les Damiers 1 is already 100% sold ; its buyers used the Pinel Outre-mer tax exemption law or the Girardin law..

Ecological transition | opportunities to seize

The “Springboard for the ecological transition of VSE-SME” system, financed as part of France Relance, would benefit from being better known to companies, especially since it can no longer be requested after June 30. Led by Ademe, it allows you to finance, in the form of flat-rate grants, des études ou des investissements figurant dans une liste de...

Recovery plan : the first agricultural projects selected

On May 28, the prefect of Réunion presented a first list of local projects already selected as part of the agricultural and forestry component of France Relance.. La Sicabat, slaughtering and meat processing company, will thus be supported in its project to strengthen the processing capacities of its workshop (4 million euros investment)....

Solar power on a thermal power plant

EDF-Insular Electric Production commissioned a photovoltaic power plant in a shade house in the parking lot of the Port Est thermal power plant at the beginning of May. The electricity produced by the photovoltaic panels – 432 modules for a power of 138 kWp – powers the plant’s electrical equipment such as compressors., centrifuges, dispositif de production d’eau déminéralisée… Il s’agit du...

Carglass started its activities

After the first Carglass center in the Canabady area, in Saint-Pierre, open at the end of April, that of the Chaussée Royale, in Saint-Paul, followed a month later. The automobile glass replacement and repair brand arrives in Reunion, supported by the Bernard Hayot Group. A third workshop should see the light of day by the end of the year in....

Business transfer | Koytcha launches his barometer

Which businesses will soon be for sale, what are the reasons for this sale, the expectations and claims of the seller ? Who are the buyers ? In which sectors are the transactions most numerous? ? Koytcha Corporate, subsidiary of the Koytcha Group, a décidé d’y voir plus clair sur le marché de la cession d’entreprise à la Réunion...

The ambitions of Club Export

“The year 2021 is a turning point conducive to renewal. The health crisis has disrupted international trade by also accentuating changes. The Club Export Réunion sees several opportunities to accelerate the internationalization of Reunion companies, in the islands of the area, but also African countries ». This is the conviction of the association which has been supporting....