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Friday 31 January 2025


Leader news

Antenne Réunion flies over the competition

Antenne Réunion remains far ahead of competing television channels in Réunion, according to the latest wave of the Médiamétrie survey, carried out from January to March 2021. The channel owned by the Océinde group obtains 51% cumulative audience share (pourcentage de personnes différentes ayant regardé une chaîne de télévision au cours d'une période donnée, whatever the....

Zeop will create two data centers

The Reunion operator Zeop (Océindie group) announced on April 15 the creation of two data centers in Reunion, at the Port and on the Saint-Denis technology park, in the next two years. The infrastructures will be open to all companies wishing to store their data or that of their customers there.. With the very high speed guaranteed by the....

Reunion Islanders who are not very mobile

An INSEE study reveals that natives of Réunion are significantly less mobile than those of the Antilles, from Guyana and Mayotte. In 2017, a third of natives of these territories aged 15 to 64 live in another French region, soit une part comparable à celle des régions métropolitaines les plus proches de la...

Dynamic salaried employment at the end of 2020

The Reunion economy continued its recovery in the 4th quarter of 2020, according to INSEE, having escaped the second confinement established in mainland France. Throughout the year, salaried employment increased by 2%, i.e. a net creation of 5,300 jobs (-1,1% nationally). Job creation in the second half of the year compensated for job losses following the confinement of March 17..

Consumer protection : 135 minutes in 2020

The 28 agents of the Competition department, consumption, fraud prevention and metrology of the new Economy Department, employment, work and solidarity (DEETS) have worked in more than 2000 production companies, import, big, distribution and service provision in 2020. 350 samples were taken upon importation and at all stages..


The Reunion branch of the Union of Transport and Logistics Companies of France (TLF Meeting) released on April 9 a very offensive press release towards the Grand Port Maritime, the public establishment managing Port Réunion. In a context of congestion at the container terminal and disruption of the ship schedule following the blockage of the Suez Canal, les professionnels...


If deaths and hospitalizations linked to alcohol abuse are significantly higher overseas (outside Mayotte) than in France, and in particular in Reunion, the share of consumers declaring that they drink alcohol daily as well as the average consumption of alcoholic beverages are lower than the national averages, according to the INSEE and ARS study. On the other hand, the part of people....

Reunion still eats too much fat and too much sugar

Not enough fruits and vegetables, too much oil, sugar and sugary drinks : these are the salient features of Reunionese eating habits, according to a study by INSEE and the Regional Health Agency based on 2017 figures. That year, Reunionese households spent on average 330 euros per month on their food shopping. Ce...

Meat imports : contrasting developments

According to the same 2011-2020 report, meat imports experienced contrasting developments. Beef imports in 2020 were stable compared to 2019 (4,522 tonnes, of which a third is fresh and two-thirds is frozen). In 2011, the imported volume stood at 3,500 tonnes. Imported pork volumes fell by 6%..

Imports of fruits and vegetables on the rise since 2011

The results of fruit and vegetable imports over the period 2011-2020, published in April by Daaf, shows a clear upward trend. Imports of fresh fruits and vegetables reached a historically high level in 2020, despite the health crisis which paralyzed economic activity and blocked supply circuits. So, the imported volumes...