23.1 C
Wednesday 26 February 2025


Leader news


The first Domen video game studio, Studio Pitaya, currently launching its first product : GIFTED The Playhouse is already accessible to a panel of users in a beta version, with four mini-games. This is a game playable on a mobile device, mixant casual gaming (for general public) and competitive gaming. Il propose à ses utilisateurs de se défier sur...


The first releases of male Aedes albopictus mosquitoes sterilized by the Institute for Research and Development began on July 22 in Duparc (Sainte-Marie). They will continue for a year, with the aim of significantly reducing the population of dengue vector mosquitoes, chikungunya and other diseases. Les femelles fécondées par ces mâles pondent en effet des...

Cane-sugar sector : first Parisian proposals

The government made public a report at the end of July which gives first indications on the way in which the State envisages the “transformation” of the overseas sugar sector.. The report results from a mission entrusted to the general financial inspectorate, to the general council for the environment and sustainable development and to the general council for agriculture and rural areas. Tout en recommandant...

Audiences : Freedom and Antenne Réunion prance in the lead

Radio Freedom and Antenne Réunion continue their race at the top of radio and TV audiences in Réunion, according to the latest wave of Médiamétrie survey. on radio, Freedom obtains an audience share of 34 in the first half of 2021,7%, far ahead of Réunion the 1st (10,4%) and NRJ (8,2%). On television, l’enquête réalisée du 5 avril au 13 juin 2021 donne...

Salaried employment well oriented at the start of the year

The Reunionese economy has resisted the health restriction measures implemented from February, according to INSEE. In the 1st quarter of 2021, Employee employment continued to grow (+1%), a net creation of 2,600 jobs. The private sector has brought most of this growth (+1,4%), especially in household and business services, the...

Widow, local products online

Since June, it is possible to do your shopping online by only purchasing local products. This is the niche chosen by the Wéva platform, founded by two short circuit activists, Anne Duroure and Jean-François Pouliquen. Fruits and vegetables, salty and sweet grocery store, dairy products, drinks, produits d'hygiène et de beauté, essential oils : l’éventail des produits...

Pesticides widely used at home

70,1% of Reunion households use pesticides at home, révèle les résultats d’une enquête de l'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, environment and work (Considered). Products in the form of aerosols or sprays are the most frequently used products in Reunion Island., like in the West Indies to fight mosquitoes, cockroaches and ants. L’utilisation des...

Real estate market : transactions on the rise in 2020, according to notaries

Les volumes de transactions ont augmenté en 2020, portés par le dynamisme des appartements anciens, selon la dernière note de conjoncture immobilière de la Chambre des notaires de la Réunion qui porte plus précisément sur les ventes conclues entre le 1er février 2020 et le 31 janvier 2021. Plus de 8 000 transactions ont été comptabilisées sur la période,...

Real estate business : insufficient stock and growing demand, according to Inovista

The 2020 study of the corporate real estate market in Reunion, carried out by Inovista Consulting & Research, once again highlights the high cost of offices and business premises on the island. Le faible niveau de l’offre conjuguée à un taux de vacance très bas fait de la Réunion « un des territoires les plus chers de France pour...

4 million euros to recycle urban wastelands

Eight urban wasteland redevelopment operations will be supported by the State in Reunion over the next two years, to the tune of more than 4 million euros, following a call for projects. In Saint-Benoît, a city center building will be rehabilitated to create a 56-unit residence for people losing their autonomy. At Rivière-Saint-Louis, l’ancien centre artisanal...