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Wednesday 26 February 2025


Leader news

St Denis : the first cable car line under test

The looping of the cable which will support the cabins of the cable car linking Chaudon to the Bois-de-Nèfles district, in Saint-Denis, took place at the end of August. The testing phase of the first Reunion cable transport line has begun, for expected commissioning on December 20. 26 pylons spread over 2,7 km, 46 cabines de 10 places tournant...

The Pierrefonds waste treatment center is emerging from the ground

The first stone of RunEva, the future waste recovery center in the south and west of the island, was laid on September 10 in Pierrefonds, in the presence of Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs. Worn by Ileva, the mixed union bringing together Civis, Casud and TCO, le projet nécessite un investissement de 220...

The economic situation improved in the 2nd quarter

Dans un contexte sanitaire dégradé et alors que différentes restrictions ont été appliquées sur la période, l’indicateur du climat des affaires mesuré par l’Iédom a nettement progressé à la Réunion. Il gagne 6 points et s’établit à 112, bien au-dessus de sa moyenne de longue période (100). Les chefs d’entreprise interrogés ont, dans l’ensemble, constaté une amélioration de leur...

Dengue, Covid-19 : rising mortality

Dans un contexte sanitaire où se conjuguent pandémie du Covid-19 et épidémie de dengue, le nombre de décès survenus à la Réunion au premier semestre 2021 augmente fortement par rapport à 2019, annonçait l’Insee dans une publication du 19 août. From January to June 2021, 2 780 personnes domiciliées à La Réunion sont décédées, soit 360 décès de plus...

Stability of births and slight increase in deaths in 2020

L’Insee a constaté en 2020 une évolution différente des naissances et des décès à la Réunion par rapport à la métropole et à certains départements et régions d’Outre-mer. So, les naissances sont stables sur l’île, alors qu’elles diminuent nettement dans l’Hexagone (-2,3%). As for deaths, their increase is contained in Réunion (+1,8% compared to 2019), alors qu’ils...

More sustainable Reunion businesses

Newly created businesses in Réunion are more resilient, according to the recurring INSEE survey. In 2019, 57% of businesses created in 2014 were still in operation. They held up a little better than those created in 2010 thanks to a more favorable economic context. However, les « jeunes » entreprises réunionnaises restent plus fragiles qu’au niveau national...

Meat, lait : an inter-professional agreement to modulate the increase

August 31, an agreement was signed between state services and livestock inter-professional associations in order to control the rise in meat and milk prices. A price increase modulation mechanism was put in place on September 1. Il vise « à maitriser les impacts de la hausse des...

Slight recovery in traffic at Roland-Garros airport

Despite the tightening of health measures on the island from July 31 and the continued requirement of compelling reasons for unvaccinated people wishing to travel, the number of passengers recorded a recovery in July and August between the mainland and Reunion Island (+47%). The recovery is even clearer between Réunion–Roland-Garros airport and Mayotte, où...

Air Austral et Corsair : what a connection ?

Air Austral and Corsair announced on August 17 the initiation of discussions “in order to conclude a commercial cooperation agreement” on the routes between the metropolis and the Indian Ocean., that they both operate. The content of this reconciliation is not specified : les deux compagnies évoquent seulement « la mise en commun de moyens et la...


The people of Reunion are as depressed as the inhabitants of France, but less than the other Domians, according to the results of a European Health survey conducted in 2019, published by INSEE. That year, 11% of the island’s inhabitants (15 years and over) had moderate or severe symptoms of depression, just like in mainland France. Cette part s’élevait...