18.8 C
Wednesday 26 February 2025


Leader news

Apec will help Reunion students find a job

The Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres signed a partnership on September 21 with the University of Reunion aimed at supporting students in their job search., and former graduates in their professional development projects. Apec has only been present in Reunion since January 2020, to offer professional development advice, une des mesures de la dernière réforme...

The Export Club publishes its White Paper and reorients its action

The Export Club of Reunion Island presented its “white paper for the internationalization of companies in Reunion Island by 2026” on September 15.. This new roadmap outlines new directions for this association of business leaders, founded in 1998. “We are at the right time to ask ourselves the right questions”, estime...

The CCI opens its management school

Associated with the Normandy School of Management and financially supported by the Region, the CCI Réunion successfully completed its Bac+5 management school project, complementary to the School of Management and Commerce and initiated several years ago. Ibrahim Patel and Huguette Bello presented it together, September 20 at the headquarters of the Chamber, in...

A counter for overseas biodiversity

A counter to track the state of overseas biodiversity, understand it better and act better, was launched at the beginning of September on the occasion of the World Conservation Congress, which was held in Marseille. Developed by the National Museum of Natural History and the French Biodiversity Office, il met en lumière les enjeux de la biodiversité des...

First two storage domes on the port for Albioma

The first pellet storage dome (wood pellets) which will power the Albioma thermal power plants from 2023 took shape on September 13, at the edge of the Port Réunion quay where the coal is currently unloaded. The specialized company Dominion inflated a giant tarpaulin 39 m high, ensuite. renforcée de l’intérieur...

Electric bikes for rent in Saint-Paul

On September 16, Semto launched its long-term rental offer for electrically assisted bicycles., called Mobi’Ouest. The 125 VAEs can be rented monthly or quarterly, for a maximum period of twelve months, at very attractive prices : from 25 euros per month for holders of a Kar’Ouest subscription card, the...

Traffic on the rise in Port Réunion

De janvier à juillet, Port Réunion handled 3,5 millions de tonnes de marchandises, « soit un niveau supérieur à celui atteint à la même période en 2019, année record », indique le Grand Port Maritime de La Réunion. In 2020, le trafic du port avait reculé de 3,7%, at 5,3 million tonnes : une baisse limitée, in...

Two green labels for Cinor

Le président de la Cinor Maurice Gironcel s’est vu remettre le 16 septembre les labels Cit’ergie et Economie circulaire, deux distinctions de l’Ademe qui consacrent l’engagement d’un territoire dans la transition écologique. Plusieurs actions de l’intercommunalité ont justifié l’obtention de Cit-Ergie : l’accompagnement de l’office de tourisme intercommunal dans la prise en compte des critères de durabilité dans l'offre...

CBo considers itself little impacted by the health crisis

“To this day, the forecast impact of the health crisis on CBo Territoria’s 2021 accounts is limited to less than 0,2 million euros », estimated the group in a press release dated September 14. In the first half of 2021, CBo achieved a turnover of 36,4 million euros down by 3,9% compte tenu d’un retour...

Reunion vanilla finally has its IGP

The project was launched around twenty years ago, abandoned due to disagreement within the sector then put back on the agenda : the registration of “vanilla from Reunion Island” in the register of Protected Geographical Indications (IGP) is now in effect, after several years of education. La Commission européenne a...