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Thursday 27 February 2025


Leader news

An agricultural inter-union emerges

If the agricultural unions made common cause with Tereos Indian Ocean in the motion addressed to the State at the beginning of November, they remain focused on an important deadline : that of the renegotiation of the cane convention. The text, the last version of which dates back to 2017, fixe la règle du jeu entre les producteurs de cannes à sucre et celui...

Future of the cane industry : planters and industrialists with one voice

Planteurs et industriels ont enterré momentanément la hache de guerre, le temps de signer une motion commune demandant à l’Etat des garanties quant à son soutien à la filière canne-sucre réunionnaise. Le texte a été remis au préfet le 5 novembre. Il est signé par les présidents du Syndicat du Sucre, représentants les industriels, de la Chambre d’agriculture et...

New coastal road : the region gives itself time

Last October 27, Huguette Bello had convened an exceptional plenary meeting of the Regional Council to study in depth the file of the New Coastal Road (NRL) and solutions to complete a project that will soon be at a standstill, lack of sufficient materials. The president of the Region had announced it three weeks earlier : the...

Many questions about the merger between Air Austral and Corsair

Last August 17, Air Austral and Corsair jointly announced the initiation of discussions “in order to conclude a commercial cooperation agreement” on routes between the metropolis and the Indian Ocean, without specifying the content of this reconciliation. The two companies only mentioned “the pooling of resources and the implementation of synergies”,...

Conjuncture : the economy held up in the 2nd quarter

The Reunion economy managed to overcome the tightening of health restriction measures in the 2nd quarter, estimates INSEE. After a decline in April and May, the volume of paid working hours increases again in June and July and is above the 2019 level. Salaried employment increases sharply compared to the previous quarter : + 1,1...

Prices fell between July and September

Household consumer prices fell by 0,4% between July and September in Reunion, indicates INSEE, who was unable to measure them in August due to confinement. Prices of manufactured goods fall by 1,2% over two months, due in particular to a sharp drop (-8,1%) des prix de l’habillement en lien avec les soldes...

Travel infrastructure : 51 million in aid for Reunion

Eight Reunion projects were selected as part of the 4th call for projects in favor of public transport on its own site and multimodal exchange hubs. In total, 162 projects in France will benefit from 900 million euros in subsidies within this framework. The 8 Reunion projects will obtain total funding of 51 million euros. Le projet...

Excess mortality among “gramounes”

Dans un contexte sanitaire où se conjuguent pandémie de Covid-19 et épidémie de dengue, le nombre de décès survenus à la Réunion depuis le début de l’année 2021 est sensiblement supérieur à 2019, au cours de la même période, a annoncé l’Insee dans une étude publiée le 30 septembre. De janvier à août 2021, 3 820 personnes domiciliées sur...

Health Segur : 252 million euros for Reunion

Reunion will benefit from an envelope of 252 million euros until 2029 to finance the development of health establishments on the island, within the framework of the “Ségur de la santé” agreements. 122 million euros will be paid to the most indebted public health establishments, afin qu’ils « puissent retrouver des marges de manœuvre financière pour leur...

The surge in teleworking in figures

L’Agence régionale d'amélioration des conditions de travail (Aract) has just published the results of a study which confirms the strong development of the use of teleworking in Reunion Island. At the request of DEETS (Department of Economy, employment, work and solidarity), Aract interviewed 104 people in four sectors of activity (banking and insurance, real estate, services à...