17.6 C
Wednesday 1 January 2025


Leader news

Second youth for the Austral

Le caseyeur-congélateur de Sapmer, spécialisé dans la pêche à la langouste dans les eaux des îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam, reprendra la mer mi-novembre après quatre mois de travaux sur le chantier Piriou du Port. L’usine du navire a été refaite à neuf pour améliorer l’ergonomie, les conditions de travail et la qualité des langoustes qui y sont traitées, annonce...

Housing construction remained dynamic

The confinement period did not have as much impact on the number of building permit authorizations in Reunion as at the national level., underlines the latest economic report from the Deal, because on the island the municipalities responsible for planning authorizations were generally able to function. L’augmentation du nombre d’autorisations sur la période étudiée ne n’explique donc pas intégralement par...

Social housing : “good student” communities will be helped

Le gouvernement a annoncé le 21 octobre de nouvelles mesures dans sa politique du logement Outre-mer. Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of Overseas, et Emmanuelle Wargon, ministre déléguée au Logement, demandent notamment aux préfets de fixer aux collectivités des objectifs de construction de logements, notamment de logements sociaux, en concertation avec les élus locaux. Celles qui atteindront les objectifs pourront recevoir...

The Kerguelens equipped with a Galileo station

A new Galileo ground station, the European satellite positioning network, was put into service a few weeks ago in the Kerguelen Islands, announces the administration of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. The Galileo system makes the European Union autonomous in the field of satellite positioning, against its American competitors (GPS), Russian (Glonass) and Chinese (Beidou).Des...

Sapmer reduces its fleet

Sapmer has just signed the sale of two tuna boats under the Seychelles flag to the Spanish group Pevasa. The operational tuna fleet of the Réunion shipping company will now consist of three tuna vessels under the French flag and three tuna vessels under the Mauritian flag.. A fourth tuna boat under the French flag, the Manapany, a été mis à l’arrêt l’an passé en raison de la...

Renewed partnership between Taaf and Météo France

Virginie Black, CEO of Météo France, took advantage of his visit to the Indian Ocean, wed-october, to renew the partnership with the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, whose headquarters is based in Saint-Pierre. The presence of personnel and meteorological equipment in these territories dates back more than 70 years. L’implantation de stations dans les Îles Eparses de l’océan Indien...

The Port of Sainte-Marie finally cleared of sand

Work to remove sand from the entrance channel to the port of Sainte-Marie began on October 11. Cinor entrusted the operation to the maritime works company Ocetra, based at the Port. The 900,000 euro contract initially consists of summary dredging which will finally allow boats to enter and leave the port., fermé depuis le 11...

Air Austral resumes regional flights

Air Austral resumed its flights between Saint-Denis and Tananarive on October 26, after more than a year and a half of interruption due to health crisis. This decision follows the announcement of the gradual opening of the country's borders from October 23 by the Malagasy authorities.. Deux fréquences hebdomadaires seront assurées dans un premier temps alors que les...

The extension of Roland-Garros airport is launched

Despite the health crisis and the collapse of traffic, Roland-Garros airport maintains its new terminal project, even if the dimensions of the installation and the amount of the investment were revised downwards compared to the initial project. The operation was officially presented on October 7. “We could have put our foot on the brake, nous avons au...

Parliamentarians against oligopolies

Seven parliamentarians from the island addressed Bruno Le Maire on September 1, Minister of the Economy and Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of Overseas, a letter in which they are worried about an upcoming surge in the prices of construction materials, which could reach “90% for ferrous materials and 100% for wood”. MPs Karine Lebon, Nathalie Bassire,...
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