21 C
Thursday 27 February 2025


Leader news

RSE : MEDEF awards its “AWARDS”

The Medef Business Awards 2021 were awarded on October 28 during the annual general meeting of the employers' organization, organized in Saint-Denis in the presence of Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, national president. Just like last year, the third edition of this competition, launched in 2018, was dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility actions (RSE). Deux catégories ont été distinguées...

Strong increase in the added value of Reunion companies

In 2019, Reunion Island merchant businesses have created 7,8 billion euros of added value, for a turnover of 26,8 billion, according to a recent publication from INSEE. The added value created increases sharply, of 324 million euros (+4,3%), after weak growth in 2018. Construction sectors (+78 millions), of teaching, de la santé et de l’action...

Unemployment continues to decline

Le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi tenus d’en rechercher un et sans activité (category A) a baissé de 1,4% au 3ème trimestre et de 5,3% sur un an, selon les derniers chiffres officiels. Il s’établissait en moyenne à 128 450 inscrits à Pôle Emploi. La baisse est moins significative en incluant les chômeurs qui ont malgré tout exercé une activité...

New victory for Ibrahim Patel at the CCI Réunion

Ibrahim Patel could count on an easy reappointment to his position as president of the CCI Réunion, on November 24 during the first plenary assembly of the mandate. At the end of the consular elections organized for the first time online from October 27 to November 9, sa liste a emporté les 16 sièges du collège Services et les...

The irrigated areas of the south will expand

Les travaux d’extension du périmètre irrigué du Bras de la Plaine ont débuté fin octobre sur la commune de Petite-Île. 377 hectares supplémentaires seront équipés dans les secteurs de Mont-Vert et d’Anse-les-Hauts, grâce à la mise en place de 37 km de canalisations, d’une station de pompage de 350 litres/seconde et d’un réservoir de 4 000 m³. 115 bornes...

Prices remain stable, according to the new sagis barometer

The prefecture published at the beginning of November the first delivery of the price monitoring barometer of around sixty consumer products, which will thus be followed every two weeks until the end of the year. This tool, the implementation of which was entrusted to the company Sagis, vient compléter les mesures mensuelles de l’Insee et vise à...

Employment on the rise in the agri-food industry

Daaf recently updated the key figures for the Reunion agri-food industry, with 2018 data. This remains the first pillar of local industry : it represents 6% of the added value produced in Reunion, compared to 4% in mainland France, 45% of turnover and 38% of jobs in the manufacturing sector. L’industrie agroalimentaire regroupe 352 établissements dont 2 appartenant...

Nap rooms at university

The University of Reunion has opened two nap rooms, each equipped with four convertible armchairs., end of October. They are located in the university libraries of Moufia and Le Tampon and accessible on presentation of the student card, pour une durée maximale d'une heure. Les étudiants qui souhaitent faire une pause se voient remettre un drap et la...

Home loan rates at their lowest

The latest financial situation note from the Issuing Institute of Overseas Departments on credit rates in Reunion highlights the stability of the average rate of equipment loans between April and July 2021 : 1,65%, i.e. 43 basis points above the rate observed at the national level. These credits are, for almost all, subscribed at a fixed rate,...

4,€4 million to rehabilitate urban wastelands

As part of the Recovery Plan, the government supports recycling operations of wastelands and artificial land, by favoring operations which concern areas where the cessation of activity has been brutal and the decontamination of former industrial sites, housing or natural areas. The Ministry of Ecological Transition recently selected 16 overseas projects, dont 5...