18.8 C
Friday 31 January 2025


Leader news

New plots in the airport area allocated

The standing committee of the Region voted, last September 6, the allocation of plots of land in the Pierre-Lagougue de Gillot airport activity zone to different project leaders. We find Colipays there, who wants to expand their facilities, the Incana group, wanting to set up an industrial bakery, The enchanted unicorns, who carry out a project to welcome young children. The ZAA will host....

An application to get around better

The Joint Transport Union, renamed Reunion Island Mobilités since last year, presented on September 12 an application that public transport users will definitely download, but also carpooling enthusiasts, bike or scooter. The “Île de La Réunion Mobilités” app brings together a set of services according to the concept of....

Young children are mainly looked after by their parents

In the meeting, 75% of children under 3 are looked after mainly during the week by their parents, according to a national study carried out by the Research Department, studies, evaluation and statistics (Dares), extended for the first time to Reunion. This share is much higher than in France (56 %) ;...

Agricultural households poorer than in mainland France

The average disposable income of Reunionese agricultural households amounted to 43,500 euros in 2020, according to a study by the Ministry of Agriculture carried out on the basis of the last agricultural census. The monetary poverty rate stands at 42 in Reunion,7% versus 16,Only 2% in all agricultural households in France. This situation varies greatly depending on the composition..

International students return to Reunion Island

The University of Reunion organized a welcome day for foreign students on September 6 : already more than 500 have registered while registrations are still possible until mid-October. The establishment intends to at least equal the number of international students welcomed during the previous academic year. : 1 303, belonging to 70 different nationalities. The university obtained....

The number 9,5%

This is the share of electricity of photovoltaic origin in the total electricity production of Reunion Island in 2023. Wind power, for its part, experienced a year of transition, with the start of replacement of the Sainte-Suzanne wind turbines by TotalEnergies and the dismantling of the Sainte-Rose farm (EDF), which will resume service in 2025 with increased capacity.

Waste : SYDNE opposes the Region’s plan

The provisions for the north and east of the island of the Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plan (PRPGD), adopted in June 2024 by the Region, are not suitable at all for SYDNE. So much so that the joint union, which combines Cinor and Cirest, filed an appeal for partial annulment before the....

A new chef for Air Austral’s premium platforms

After Kelly Rangama, Michelin-starred Réunion chef in Paris, another island talent becomes a partner of Air Austral : Lightweight Marimoutou, executive chef of the Iloha Seaview Hotel in Saint-Leu, ambassador of Reunionese cuisine that is both modern and anchored in tradition. He concocted four dishes (lamb kofta with massalé, soya-glazed beef fillet, parmentier of cheek of...

Prices stable in July

The consumer price index remained stable in July in Reunion compared to the previous month. Service prices increase by 0,8 %, particularly because of the increase in airfares. Those of rents, eau, kidnapping, household waste and communication services are stable. Prices of health services fall by 0,9% on....

business climate deteriorates further

Economic activity continued to slow down in the second quarter of 2024, according to Reunionese business leaders interviewed by the Overseas Departments Emission Institute (Iédom). They declared lower activity and workforce levels over the quarter and anticipate a continued deterioration in their activity and decline in their workforce in the third quarter.. The balance of forecasts...