18.2 C
Friday 28 February 2025


Leader news

Toothfish management plan canceled by court

On March 18, the administrative court of Reunion Island canceled part of the multi-year management plan for toothfish that the administration of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands had developed in 2019. (Taaf). She responded to requests from the Réunion Pêche Australe shipping line, qui s’était vu refuser une licence de pêche dans la zone et dénonçait la «...

The number 80%

C’est le pourcentage des professionnels qui disent répercuter au moins partiellement les augmentations de leurs coûts sur leurs prix de vente, selon l’enquête de conjoncture de l’Iédom au 4ème trimestre 2021. Les deux-tiers des entreprises interrogées se sont dites concernées par ces hausses, avec une augmentation des coûts sur l’année supérieure à +10% pour la moitié d’entre-elles.

250,000 tourists in 2021

In 2021, Reunion Island welcomed 250,812 foreign tourists, according to the annual survey commissioned by the IRT. The figure increases modestly by 15,7% compared to 2020 and remains 53% lower than in previous years (534,000 arrivals in 2018 and 2019). Plus de 88% des touristes dénombrés l’an passé provenaient de l’Hexagone et 24% étaient originaires de...

An innovation from Armeflhor awarded an award in Paris

L’Armeflhor (Reunion Island Association for the Modernization of the Fruit Economy, vegetable and horticultural) s’est vue remettre le 2 mars au Salon de l’agriculture le prix ITA-Innov 2022, décerné par les instituts techniques agricoles et agro-industriels français, dans la catégorie « environnement-biodiversité-climat », pour avoir mis au point une méthode de pollinisation de la tomate sous serre par une abeille charpentière.Appelée...

Prices increased by 0,1% in February

The household consumer price index increased by 0,1% in February in Reunion, announces INSEE. The increase in food prices has accelerated, due to the surge in prices of fresh produce (+26%), mainly fruits and vegetables, after cyclones Batsirai and Emnati. Energy prices, who had fallen by 3,1% in January, repartent...

MEDEF supports project leaders

On March 7, Medef Réunion launched a new system, called PAC 2022 and co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund to support project leaders. Nine weeks of support from training organizations (Sodom, Up&Go, CForm, Numéria and AB Consultant) are planned, avec une équipe dédiée et des parrains devant permettre aux créateurs d’entreprise...

Elections a la cci : from rats to transplants

The prefecture has modified the schedule of pre-electoral procedures, with a view to new elections of members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, following the cancellation of the previous vote by the administrative court. Difficulties were indeed noted in the preparation of the list of voters, incluant les entreprises créées depuis la clôture de la liste électorale...

A photovoltaic power plant for the island of Amsterdam

Until then, the Martin-de-Viviès base, on the island of Amsterdam, produced its energy only with generators powered by diesel. These groups provided the electricity essential to maintaining a permanent human presence, the operation of service facilities and scientific laboratories. This base is powered, since March 10, by a hybrid power plant, photovoltaic and thermal. Après une procédure de consultation...

The fixed price quality shield until February 2023

The “price-quality shield” version 2022 was presented on March 16 : it contains 153 products whose overall price cannot exceed 348 euros, from March 28, 2022 until February 28, 2023, in the 63 stores on the island participating in the operation. The list expanded last year to 153 products has been extended, with...

INSEE conducts its spatial price comparison survey

From March 1 to April 22, 2022, INSEE is carrying out its spatial comparison survey of price levels between French territories (ECSP). The survey makes it possible to compare consumer price levels between mainland France and overseas departments and regions., between the province and Corsica and between the province and the urban unit of Paris,...