18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025


Leader news

The vanilla genome revealed by CIRAD

The research program was piloted from Reunion Island, thanks to the collection of vanilla trees built up in Saint-Pierre for almost twenty years : CIRAD announced on May 5 that it had identified 83% of the genetic heritage of the Vanilla plantifolia species., the most cultivated in the world. Four years of work were necessary for this, impliquant les université de...

Saint-Denis launches its 2nd participatory budget

Innovation of Ericka Bareigts’ first term, the participatory budget of the city of Saint-Denis allows financing, up to 1,5 million euros per year, projects developed by administrators. The second edition was launched in mid-April. The Dionysians have until June 5 to propose projects which will first be analyzed by the city services,...

The ports of the Indian Ocean in women’s fashion

L'Association des Ports des Iles de l’océan Indien (APIOI) launched a women’s platform in 2019, noting that the maritime and port sector is a niche where efforts still need to be made to promote women. This platform aims to encourage more women to join the port and maritime sector., notamment en créant des passerelles...

Fisheries Committee : Gerard Zitte succède a Bertrand Baillif

Gerard Zitte, currently president of the Réunion interprofessional fishing and aquaculture association (Wing), was elected on May 18 as president of the Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Farming of Réunion (CRPMEM), the consular chamber of fishermen. He succeeds Bertrand Baillif, following the professional elections of April 27. On this occasion,...

Quay No. 1 of the west port rejuvenated

The Grand Port Maritime has invested nearly 7,7 million euros, with the State and Europe, in the rehabilitation of quay no. 1 of the West port, mainly used by Sapmer to unload catches from its longliners and lobster boats, L’Austral. L’infrastructure, built in 1957, présentait des risques d’affaissement et la circulation des engins lourdement chargés avait dû y être...

Corsair completes its a330neo fleet

Corsair continues its momentum to complete the first phase of its fleet renewal. The company welcomed its fifth A330-900 on May 20 and is working on the second phase which should integrate 4 additional neos by 2024. Corsair will then have one of the youngest fleets on the market, avec un âge moyen de deux ans et dont...

The health crisis has not led to over-indebtedness

Si la majorité des dossiers de surendettement des ménages déposés dans les Départements et collectivités d’outre-mer en 2021 (1 202 sur 2 202) l’ont été à La Réunion, l’Iédom ne note pas de dégradation de la situation sur l’île dans ce domaine. Le nombre de dossiers validés par la commission de surendettement des particuliers a progressé par rapport à...

Business creators with limited means

Every four years, l’Insee réalise une enquête nationale sur les créations d’entreprises et ceux qui les portent. Les derniers chiffres, récemment publiés, portent sur les créations de l’année 2018 et témoignent du dynamisme de la Réunion dans ce domaine. Le nombre de créations d’entreprises progresse depuis 2016 sur l’île et a atteint 6 600 en 2018. L’Insee note...

Growing labor needs

The labor needs of employers are increasing by 9% in Reunion in 2022, according to the annual Pôle Emploi survey, which identified 38,400 hiring forecasts. These forecasts increase by 12% in the public sector : 8,200 hiring projects estimated by the municipalities, educational establishments, school funds, les centres communaux d’action...

Airport area : new call for expressions of interest

La commission permanente du Conseil régional, qui s’est tenue le 22 avril, a acté la décision de ne pas donner suite à la procédure d’implantation des projets initialement retenus lors d’un appel à manifestation d’intérêt organisé à la fin de la mandature précédente. Seul le projet porté par la Piroi (Plate-forme d’intervention régionale océan Indien de la Croix-Rouge française)...