18.3 C
Saturday 11 January 2025


Leader news

The number 99

C’est le nombre de cas de leptospirose comptabilisés par l’Agence régionale de santé à la Réunion entre le 1er janvier et le 19 avril 2022. Of this total, 43 cas ont été signalés au mois de mars et 35 en avril. Parmi les 99 cas, 18 personnes ont été admises en service de réanimation et une personne est décédée...

Pascal Quineau, new president of Crédit Agricole

Pascal Quineau succeeded Jean-Emile Fontaine as president of the regional bank of Crédit agricole de la Réunion on March 30.. Born in 1963 in mainland France, Pascal Quineau is a breeder of laying hens in Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts. At the head of SCEA Chemin d’Eau, he produces Matines brand eggs. La « banque verte »...

Abandoned waste : Saint-Denis and Citeo will act together

La municipalité de Saint-Denis et Citeo, l’acteur français de la Responsabilité Elargie des Producteurs pour les papiers et les emballages ménagers, ont signé début avril une convention visant à lutter contre les déchets abandonnés « en mettant en place des solutions préventives, curatives et pérennes ». Un plan d’actions sera élaboré sur la base d’un diagnostic mais, sans attendre,...

Sterile mosquitoes : first convincing results in Duparc

After six months of releasing sterilized male mosquitoes, capable of fertilizing females in the natural environment which will then lay eggs incapable of hatching, the fertility of the stinging insect has decreased by almost 50% in Duparc. Ce quartier de Sainte-Marie a été choisi par l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement pour tester la technique de l’insecte stérile...

The State increases its aid to cane planters

The government has decided on “additional aid of 14 million euros per year for the benefit of sugar cane planters in Reunion from the 2022 campaign”, announced Julien Denormandie, Minister of Agriculture, and Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of Overseas, in a letter sent on March 23 to the inter-professional sector of the sector. L’Etat répond ainsi favorablement...

The SHLMR launches a label for housing in the highlands

The SHLMR presented the Logement des Hauts label at the beginning of April, a 100% Reunionese framework aimed at improving housing in Hauts de l’île. The approach was born from an observation : housing in Hauts, which must adapt to a humid and rainy climate, have design problems (isolation, waterproofing, choice of materials) mais aussi d’usages par...

Construction market : a situation that is nevertheless well oriented

The surge in prices of construction materials is seriously undermining the optimism emerging from the latest economic report on housing and construction from the Environment Department, planning and housing (Deal). She emphasizes that in 2021, 8,210 housing units were authorized for construction, figure up 8,3 % par rapport...

Price increase : the cry of alarm from the FRBTP

Concern rises, in the ranks of the Reunion Building and Public Works Federation, faced with the explosion in the prices of construction materials. “+80% in one year for aluminum, +50% for steel », she cites as examples. “A deep crisis is beginning”, warns Stéphane Brossard, president of the technical commission of the Federation. L’organisation socio-professionnelle a réuni le...

ISAUTIER expands its factory

The Isautier establishments will invest a total of 7 million euros in the expansion of its Saint-Pierre factory, whose work has just begun. They must be completed in 2025. To this date, the production capacity of the factory will reach 5,7 million liters of spirits, against 1,9 today. This increase in load, with 18 new maceration tanks, permettra à Isautier...

Reunion service stations : a model is scrutinized

The Issuance Institute of Overseas Departments recently published a study devoted to service stations in Reunion and their economic model. The 159 resorts on the island employ 10 employees on average, compared to a little less than 6 for the national average. They record a higher commercial margin rate than those in mainland France but generate a lower operating surplus,...