18.1 C
Saturday 1 March 2025


Leader news

Reprise d’Air Austral : imminent decision

From unofficial sources, the Air Austral takeover offer presented by Michel Deleflie (Clinifutur group) and a group of Reunionese business leaders has a good chance of being accepted by the State. The latter still hoped, end of July, “marry” the Reunion airline to Corsair, perspective that the Réunion Region refuses, majority shareholder of Air Austral. Mais Paris semble avoir renoncé à...

Air traffic is gradually recovering

Without yet returning to the pre-crisis level, air traffic is picking up color at Roland-Garros airport, which welcomed 897,000 passengers during the first six months of the year. This figure is still down 19% compared to 2019, but three times larger than that of the first half of 2021. Près de 636 000 passagers ont...

Rebellion against Air France

massive redeployment of Air France capacities” to overseas territories to compensate for lines still closed for health reasons, according to the daily Le Monde. The two companies estimate the additional seat capacity offered by Air France overseas at the equivalent of three large daily jets compared to pre-Covid years.. Air Caraïbes et Corsair chiffrent de 100 à 300...

Saint-Denis broadens the scope of integration projects

Even if the integration is not part of the municipal skills, la ville de Saint-Denis s’investit dans ce champ et a présenté ses objectifs, en mai. La municipalité accompagne l’émergence et le développement des Ateliers Chantiers d’Insertion. Ces dispositifs proposent un accompagnement et une activité professionnelle à des personnes sans emploi et en difficulté. Les associations peuvent recruter jusqu’à 12...

The resilience plan is being put in place

The prefecture, In connection with the region, le Département et les représentants du monde économique, commence à décliner localement le plan de résilience économique et sociale décidé par le gouvernement au niveau national pour faire face aux répercussions de la guerre russo-ukrainienne. Il s’articule autour de 12 objectifs destinés à protéger les entreprises et les ménages des conséquences immédiates...

Price growth slowed in April

Consumer prices increased by 0,7% in April in Reunion, announces INSEE, emphasizing that the increase is half as strong as in March. It concerns all consumer sectors. Service prices increase by 0,5% the increase in communication services being stronger (+1%) et celle des « autres services » de...

The number +26,2%

This is the progression recorded by temporary employment in Reunion between March 2021 and March 2022, according to Prism’emploi, the professional organization of recruitment and temporary employment companies. The figure is significantly higher than the national average (9,2%). Construction and industry represent, ensemble, the greatest number of temporary jobs but the strongest increases were recorded in services (+61%)...

IEDOM confirms the economic recovery of 2021

The Overseas Departments Issuing Institute notes a “robust economic recovery after the unprecedented shock of the health crisis” in 2021, in its annual summary of the economic situation of the island. The rebound that began at the end of 2020 has been confirmed, notes Iédom, and it concerns all sectors, s’il faut en croire les estimations de chiffre d’affaires des chefs...

1st quarter : unemployment continues to decline

Pôle Emploi figures for the 1st quarter of 2022 confirm the decline in unemployment, observed on the island for two years. The number of category A applicants (required to look for work and without activity) averaged 124,060 in the first three months of the year, down by 2,1% sur trois mois et...

A SHLMR student residence at TECHNOR

Pôle Emploi figures for the 1st quarter of 2022 confirm the decline in unemployment, observed on the island for two years. The number of category A applicants (required to look for work and without activity) averaged 124,060 in the first three months of the year, down by 2,1% sur trois mois et...