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Saturday 11 January 2025


Leader news

GBH helps the Mascarene food bank

Since the start of the health crisis, food banks must respond to increased demands, like the Banque Alimentaire des Mascareignes which saw its stocks decrease drastically during the first confinement. The number of poor people it helped increased from 79,000 in 2019 to 130,000 in 2021, soit une hausse...

Elections a la cci : in line

Ibrahim Patel n’avait pas le droit de se présenter, mais il peut se satisfaire des résultats des élections à la CCI Réunion, organisées du 4 au 17 mai après l’annulation de celles d’octobre-novembre dernier. La liste de la Fédaction et de la Capeb, emmenée par Pierrick Robert, constituée avec son aval et qu’il soutenait, a remporté 29 sièges :...

The reserve's shopping center could expand

La commission départementale d’aménagement commercial a rendu début mai, unanimously, un avis favorable à la demande d’extension du centre commercial E. Leclerc de La Réserve, in Sainte-Marie. L’extension demandée, de 1 312 m², portera la surface du centre commercial à 11 312 m² après travaux. La CDAC autorise également l’enseigne à créer un point de retrait sous l’enseigne...

Cinor sets up its development council

The intercommunal community of northern Reunion (Cinor) installed its development council on April 29, consultative body composed of representatives of economic circles, social, cultural and associative. Complement of representative democracy, it is intended to be regularly consulted by the governance bodies of the urban community. Une campagne de communication a été organisée...

Nets against dumping of garbage at sea

At the end of April, Cinor launched an experiment consisting of installing nets at the outlet of four rainwater evacuation nozzles towards the sea., in order to retain waste carried away by precipitation and to avoid marine pollution. L’opération est menée en partenariat avec l’Association Agréée de Pêche et de Protection du Milieu Aquatique des Rivières du...

Electricity consumption per subscriber down slightly

La consommation électrique moyenne par abonné sur l’île est passée de 3,56 mégawatts/heure en 2020 à 3,54 MWh en 2021, selon l’Observatoire de l’énergie de La Réunion. Calculée par habitant, la consommation est en légère hausse, passant de 1,48 MWh en 2020 à 1,50 MWh en 2021. In a city, la consommation moyenne par habitant s’élève а 2,2 MWh. The...

The vanilla genome revealed by CIRAD

The research program was piloted from Reunion Island, thanks to the collection of vanilla trees built up in Saint-Pierre for almost twenty years : CIRAD announced on May 5 that it had identified 83% of the genetic heritage of the Vanilla plantifolia species., the most cultivated in the world. Four years of work were necessary for this, impliquant les université de...

Saint-Denis launches its 2nd participatory budget

Innovation of Ericka Bareigts’ first term, the participatory budget of the city of Saint-Denis allows financing, up to 1,5 million euros per year, projects developed by administrators. The second edition was launched in mid-April. The Dionysians have until June 5 to propose projects which will first be analyzed by the city services,...

The ports of the Indian Ocean in women’s fashion

L'Association des Ports des Iles de l’océan Indien (APIOI) launched a women’s platform in 2019, noting that the maritime and port sector is a niche where efforts still need to be made to promote women. This platform aims to encourage more women to join the port and maritime sector., notamment en créant des passerelles...

Fisheries Committee : Gerard Zitte succède a Bertrand Baillif

Gerard Zitte, currently president of the Réunion interprofessional fishing and aquaculture association (Wing), was elected on May 18 as president of the Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Farming of Réunion (CRPMEM), the consular chamber of fishermen. He succeeds Bertrand Baillif, following the professional elections of April 27. On this occasion,...