23.2 C
Saturday 11 January 2025


Leader news

Electronic communications : 2021 figures from ARCEP

The number of very high-speed accesses is particularly high in Reunion (270,000 subscriptions at the end of 2021), i.e. 77% of accesses whose speed is equal to or greater than 30 Mbit/s (7 additional points in one year), reveals Arcep’s latest annual report on electronic communications overseas. La fibre reste...

The Mascarene food bank and the Chamber of Agriculture make common cause

La Banque alimentaire des Mascareignes et la Chambre d’agriculture de La Réunion ont inauguré une unité de transformation des fruits et légumes, le 18 juillet à Saint-Pierre. Aménagée dans des locaux municipaux, elle est mise à la disposition des agriculteurs qui souhaitent transformer leurs produits. In return, ils en offriront 10 % à la Banque alimentaire. Le laboratoire, Who...


CBo Territoria et Ilop Réunion ont signé début juillet un accord visant à l’acquisition par cette dernière de 40 % des activités outdoor de CBo. « Le Groupe renouvelle sa confiance en Stéphane André, déjà à la direction des trois structures depuis de nombreuses années, et compte sur son entrée au capital via sa société Ilop Réunion pour contribuer...

Pensions paid at the meeting : -28% compared to mainland France

Retirement pensions paid in Reunion to natives of the island are the lowest of all French regions, according to INSEE : 1,160 euros gross per month on average (2016 figures), i.e. 1,110 euros net of social security contributions. The gap is particularly significant compared to the mainland (28 % ) mais aussi par rapport aux...

Inter-company payment terms decreasing

The latest annual report from Iédom on payment deadlines practiced by companies and public bodies in the overseas departments and communities of the euro zone shows a positive development in 2020. B2B customer payment times have decreased significantly, to reach their lowest level in the last fifteen years. La Réunion demeure...

Fuel prices : what discounts ?

Les automobilistes réunionnais ne savaient toujours pas, début août, de quelles ristournes ils bénéficieront dans les prochains mois sur les prix des carburants. TotalEnergies a bien annoncé, end of July, que sa remise de 20 centimes par litre en septembre et octobre puis de 10 centimes en novembre et décembre s’appliquera bien outre-mer. Mais le groupe français avait dû reculer...

The Mauritian group UBP will buy Préfabeton

An exclusivity agreement was concluded at the end of June in favor of the company UBP (United Basalt Products) for the acquisition of materials manufacturing and trading companies held in Reunion Island by Pascal Leandri and his senior executives, including the “flagship” Préfabéton. L’opération a été présentée aux instances représentatives du personnel des sociétés concernées et...

The number 6,3 million euros

This is the amount of the envelope allocated to Reunion as part of the exceptional aid put in place by the government to offset part of the additional costs of animal feed on farms., linked to the severe disruptions in the supply of cereals and vegetable proteins since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In the meeting, ce dispositif concerne...

Car walk : decline limited to the 1st half

The number of new car sales fell by only 4,88% in the 1st semester in Reunion, under the effect of the shortage of semiconductors which pushed manufacturers to reduce their activity. The brake (15,493 registrations) is significantly less brutal than that observed in mainland France over the period (-16 %). Les ventes de...

The gas bottle costs 15 euros

Since August 1, the price of the gas bottle is displayed at 15 euros at all retailers on the island. It should normally have been 21,93 euros, according to the latest prices calculated by the prefecture, but the exceptional aid announced by the Department and the Region at the beginning of July came into force on that date. Les deux collectivités...