20.4 C
Saturday 1 March 2025


Leader news

NEETs in figures

An INSEE study highlights the extent of the dropout rate among young Reunion Islanders who are neither employed nor employed., nor in studies, you a formation (ou NEET, acronyme anglais de « neither in employment nor in education or training »). In 2021 on the island, only 27% of young people aged 15 to 29 were employed, compared to 47% national average :...

Exceptional solidarity aid for 176,000 households

These are 176,000 households, or 371,350 people, including 151,165 children, who will benefit from exceptional solidarity aid paid by the State from September 15 ; 43% of the Reunion population, for a total amount of more than 25 million euros. Beneficiaries of social minimums and various allowances are concerned, as well as scholarship students. The...

CIVILIAN : geolocatable school buses

The Intermunicipal Community of Solidarity Cities (CIVILIAN) put the ZenBus application online on September 16, which makes it possible to monitor the movement of school buses in real time and to predict the actual time of passage of buses at stops, taking into account traffic hazards. This is a first in Reunion Island. Plus de 14 000 enfants utilisent...

CDC HABITAT : 223 million euros invested in 2021

The three Reunion subsidiaries of CDC Habitat — Semader, SIDR and Sodiac – invested 223 million euros in Reunion in 2021, according to the activity report presented on September 7 by Anne-Sophie Grave, president of the board of directors. The three social landlords, owners of a total of nearly 42,000 homes, delivered an additional 708 last year, ont lancé la...

ST DENIS : the ocean space will become a park

The “Ocean Space”, vacant land of three hectares between rue Maréchal-Leclerc and boulevard Lancastel in Saint-Denis, will be transformed into an urban park. On August 19, the municipality unveiled the development project selected following a citizen consultation.. Its dominant will be playful, en premier lieu à destination des enfants. Il regroupera des aires de jeux, des manèges et une...

Reunion residents more than ever attached to departmental status

While Emmanuel Macron listened attentively, in Paris, to the presidents of the overseas regions who signed last May the “Fort-de-France appeal” in favor of greater autonomy, le président du conseil départemental Cyrille Melchior faisait un coup politique à La Réunion en diffusant les résultats d’un sondage commandé par sa collectivité au sujet du statut institutionnel de La...

The number 3,54 %

This is the average rate of personal loans and other consumer credits practiced in Reunion in the second quarter of 2022, according to the latest figures from the Issuing Institute of Overseas Departments. The average duration of personal loans is five years, for an average amount of 18,500 euros. Over the period, le taux moyen des nouveaux crédits à l’habitat...

Free wifi at the port

In order to promote access to the Internet and make the region more attractive via digital technology, 13 WiFi access points have been put into service in various public places in the town of Port. “At a time when the price of mobile still remains too high and inaccessible for many users, especially the most deprived ; où le déploiement des...

The meeting, filming land : Dutch stars in the tops

Director Ena Sendijarević chose Reunion Island as the location for her next film, Sweet Dreams, telling a story set in colonial Indonesia in 1900. It was originally supposed to be filmed in Indonesia, but the project was called into question by the health crisis. Lors de l’Éductour annuel organisé fin 2021 par l’Agence Film Réunion à...

EXPORT : Medef launches a Stratexio club

Medef Réunion announced the launch of a Stratexio club on the island, on August 30 in Paris on the occasion of the French Business Meetings. Created in 2017 in mainland France, ces clubs, today numbering 19, support French companies that wish to develop internationally. Ils regroupent plus de 170 dirigeants d’entreprises et plus de 130...