19.4 C
Saturday 11 January 2025


Leader news

Tuléar and Fort-Dauphin reopen in October

Air Austral announced at the beginning of September the reopening of its flights to and from Tuléar and Fort-Dauphin, main cities of southern Madagascar, for the school holiday period of October 2022. For this, she obtained the essential green light from the Malagasy Civil Aviation Authority.. From October 10 to 24, the company will ensure a weekly rotation (Réunion-Fort-Dauphin-Tuléar and return)...

Air traffic on the rise in July-August

Roland-Garros airport welcomed 530,187 passengers in July and August 2022, i.e. 4% more than in 2019, before the health crisis. This progression comes mainly from the dynamism of the mainland-Reunion lines. (345,493 passengers, +11% over these two months of high season) and Réunion-Mayotte (47,240 passengers, +36 %). On other destinations, la fréquentation accuse toujours un...

CORSAIR official carrier of the great raid

For the 30th anniversary of the Grand Raid and for three years, Corsair becomes the official carrier of the biggest mountain race in Reunion, which will take place this year from October 20 to 23. The partnership was formalized at the end of August by Jules Perreau, regional director Indian Ocean of Corsair, and Pierre Maunier, président du Grand Raid....

The poverty trap

Poverty remains very high in Reunion, despite its reduction in recent years, according to INSEE. From 2015 to 2018, about 35% of adults were poor in a monetary sense, a share almost three times higher than in mainland France. Among poor adults in 2015, 58% were still in 2018 ; ce taux était seulement de 42...

Reunion Islanders read little and appreciate street shows

For the first time, the Ministry of Culture has extended to the overseas departments the survey on cultural practices that it regularly conducts in mainland France. Its results, relating to data collected before the health crisis, highlight various local specificities. Reunion Islanders rarely visit museums and exhibitions : 8 % des habitants de l’île âgés de...

The weight of local tourism revealed by a study

Local customers contributed 63% of the 1,8 billion euros in revenue from the Reunion tourism sector in 2019, according to a study by the Overseas Rapid Economic Accounts. The importance of local tourism in Reunion is now the same as the national average, while its share was only 50% in 2005. Sign of growing purchasing power, les dépenses...

Severe poverty affects 14% of Reunion Islanders

In a new study, INSEE has adopted a new approach to poverty, integrating both income and the European Union indicator of material and social deprivation. This measures the inability to cover expenses linked to at least 5 elements of everyday life out of 13 considered desirable.. Most common examples : l’incapacité à faire...

Unemployment still falling

The number of category A applicants (required to look for work and without activity) was on average 120,820 in the 2nd quarter, down by 2,6% over three months and 7% over one year. In total, the number of applicants required to look for work, having or not carried out an activity (categories A,...

Electric mountain bikes for mobi’ouest

125 vélos tout-terrain à assistance électrique complètent l’offre de Mobi’Ouest depuis le mois de juillet. Fort du succès de ses vélos électriques en location, le Territoire de la Côte Ouest a investi dans ces deux-roues permettant de gravir des pentes sans beaucoup d’efforts. Le modèle retenu (Beeq M500), polyvalent, est adapté à des usages variés, sur des fortes pentes...

Economic situation going well in the 1st quarter of 2022

L’activité économique est restée soutenue à La Réunion au 1er trimestre 2022 malgré le renforcement des mesures sanitaires, selon une note de conjoncture de l’Insee. Le volume d’heures de travail rémunérées reste significativement supérieur à son niveau d’avant-crise, de l’ordre de 10 %. L’activité touristique retrouve pour sa part son niveau d’avant-crise, malgré un mois de février en retrait....