23.1 C
Friday 14 March 2025


Leader news

UNAPL : a house of liberal professions in project

Christopher Sans, president of the National Union of Liberal Professions (UNAPL), went to Reunion at the end of October, “to highlight the crucial role of liberal professions in the local economy”. During this visit, he participated in the restitution of the results of a study on the management of diversity in business. Les chiffres dévoilés par l’étude sont révélateurs d’une situation...

The EDF du Port power plant certified RED II

EDF PEI (island electricity production) announced at the end of October that it had obtained RED II certification for its Port Est power plant. L’installation est la première au monde, de cette puissance, à obtenir cette certification. EDF PEI a pu démontrer que la biomasse liquide qui a remplacé l’an passé le fioul lourd comme combustible de la centrale portoise respectait des normes...

Cyclea obtains the Efficience label

Cyclea (waste treatment and recovery) won the Efficience label on November 12, awarded by the Green Réunion association to companies demonstrating a capacity for optimizing resources and overall performance (economic, environmental and social) copy. It highlights “best practices in operational efficiency, reduction of CO2 emissions, de sobriété énergétique et de préservation des...

Adir-national park agreement to preserve petrels

The Réunion National Park and the Association for the Industrial Development of Réunion (Adir) signed a partnership agreement on November 15 formalizing their collaboration to preserve and improve the quality of nocturnal environments on the island. The agreement aims to generalize pilot approaches to support the light transition to all economic activity zones in Reunion. In 2023,...

Abdéali Goulamaly, father of Mauvilac and the Océinde group, went out

Countless tributes followed the announcement of the death of Abdéali Goulamaly, occurred on October 27. Aged 89, the captain of industry had only reduced activity in recent years, but the group he has built since the creation of the Mauvilac paint manufacturing company in 1970 is experiencing dynamic growth., like the upgraded Omega 1 data center...

Corsair awaits state support

The cancellation of 103 million euros of public debt for the benefit of Corsair could be included in the finance law for 2025, giving the company a huge breath of fresh air and good hope of recovery. The information was revealed at the beginning of November by Le Canard chainé, its realization will depend on the continuation of the budgetary discussions before Parliament. The same...

Shareholders supporting Air Austral

Air Austral shareholders “put back in the pot” to the tune of 15 million euros, in November, to enable the company to pass the milestone of the annual cash flow low point, in January-February. In proportion to their respective share in the capital of the company, Sematra injected 6,75 million euros and the Run Air consortium, which brings together the....

Air Austral : a 2024-2025 program “closer to demand”

Air Austral has built a “winter” program for 2024-2025, corresponding to the international dates of a five-month season from the end of October to the end of March, taking into account both market trends and fleet availability. One of its three Airbus A220s assigned to regional services is, indeed, nailed to the ground. The company....

Citalis puts its first electric bus online

On October 23, Citalis presented the first electric bus in its fleet. The 12 meter long vehicle can carry 90 passengers and has a range of 250 kilometers on a single charge thanks to its lithium-ion batteries. Built by Mercedes-Benz, it is equipped with the latest generation of batteries which avoid unnecessary energy losses. Its system....

Carpooling : more than 100,000 registered on Karos

Managers of the Karos carpooling application welcome the latest results obtained, which make Reunion Island the “undisputed champion of carpooling in France”. One in four Reunion Islanders (among employed workers or students) is now registered on Karos. “The establishment of co-financing of journeys by the Region, rising fuel prices, l’inflation,...