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Tuesday 4 March 2025


Leader news

Unemployment fell by 6,7% in one year

The number of job seekers required to look for one and without activity (category A) averaged 119,480 in the third quarter of 2022, number down by 1,1% compared to the previous quarter and 6,7% over one year. By adding those who carried out an activity over the period, the number of unemployed rises to 155,260,...

The Price-Quality Shield holds up

At the end of a negotiation between all the partners in the production and distribution sectors, the list of products appearing in the “standard trolley” of the Quality Price Shield has been modified to take into account high inflation (7,1% on food products in the last twelve months, according to INSEE). However, its capped amount (348 euros) and...

Price differences Réunion-metropole : update in 2023

INSEE conducted a new edition of its spatial comparison survey of price levels between French territories in March and April 2022. Results will be published in mid-2023. The survey makes it possible to compare consumer price levels between mainland France and overseas departments and regions., between the province and Corsica, et entre...

Aripa pinned down by the Competition Authority

The Competition Authority recently issued a sanction of 60,000 euros against the Reunion Island Interprofessional Association for Aquaculture Fishing (Wing) for having organized an agreement on the fixing of fish sales prices and the control of production and outlets. Il est notamment reproché aux membres de l'association, qui regroupe depuis 2010...

Réunion Pêche Australe receives its boat

The Atlas Cove entered the Port de la Pointe-des-Galets on November 23, Welcomed by its new owner, Armament Southern fishing meeting. Built in 1999 in Norway, The 68 m building had previously belonged to Australian Fisheries, Based in Perth. It allows two fishing techniques, la palangre automatique pour la pêche à la légine et le chalut...

The swordfish fishery certified “sustainable fishing”

The players in swordfish longline fishing, supported by Aripa (Association interprofessionnelle de la pêche et de l'aquaculture), were granted international MSC certification in November. Marine Stewardship Council certification guarantees consumers fish of wild origin, responsibly harvested from sustainably managed stock, selon les normes internationales les plus récentes et...

The Rhumiers close their ranks

The two unions in the rum sector, le Syndicat des producteurs de rhum de La Réunion (SPRR) et la Fédération interprofessionnelle des alcools de canne de La Réunion (Fiacre, qui regroupe également les liquoristes), se dotent d’un outil commun : a website (www.lareuniondesrhums.re), une identité et un logo. Le SPPR a également recruté une secrétaire générale, Emilie Marty,...

60 advertising billboards removed in Saint-Denis in 2023

Saint-Denis wants to encourage more virtuous advertising. By presenting its budgetary orientations for 2023, the municipality has announced its desire to remove 60 advertising billboards next year. “The City has reviewed its local regulations to preserve the well-being of residents without jeopardizing economic activity., she specifies in a press release. Il s’agira pour 2023 de déterminer des actions ciblées...

A study to find out more about poverty

On November 7, the Departmental Council presented the results of a study on poverty commissioned from INSEE by social action stakeholders.. “During the last decade, the poverty rate has fallen significantly, going from 52% in 2010 to less than 35% of the population living below the poverty line today, a souligné...

A national plan to save the Papangue

The national action plan to safeguard the papangue (Maillard harrier) a été présenté le 17 novembre par la Société d'études ornithologiques de La Réunion (SEOR). Around twenty research actions, de préservation de l’espèce et de sensibilisation seront proposées dans ce cadre à une cinquantaine de partenaires du comité de pilotage afin de contribuer à la conservation de...