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Sunday 12 January 2025


Leader news

Saint-Denis freezes its tax rates

The Dionysian municipality presented its budgetary orientations for 2023 on November 18. Gérard Françoise, elected finance delegate, announced on this occasion that the city's tax rates would remain frozen next year, as they have been since 2017. The capital intends to continue its investment policy, to the tune of around fifty million euros over the year, dans les...

Roland-Garros airport responsible

L’aéroport Roland-Garros s’est vu remettre le 14 novembre à la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie le label Relations Fournisseurs et Achats Responsables (RFAR), qui distingue les entreprises ou entités publiques françaises ayant fait le choix de relations durables et équilibrées avec leurs fournisseurs. La CCI accueillait ce jour-là une présentation du Parcours National des Achats Responsables, en présence du...

Second A350-1000 for French Bee

French Bee took delivery of its second A350-1000 on December 9, left the Airbus manufacturing lines in Toulouse. The first was put online on December 18, 2021 between Paris and Reunion. The A350-1000 is a large capacity aircraft (480 seats, including 40 in Premium class) particularly suited to the Indian Ocean line. Alliant...

Air Austral codeshare with Kenya Airways

Air Austral relaunched its codeshare with Kenya Airways in November, originally signed in 2018. Customers of both companies can thus benefit from a single rate and ticket for their entire trip between Africa., the Indian Ocean islands and the rest of the world. Les passagers d’Air Austral pourront désormais accéder à la capitale du...

ODDetT , to monitor sustainable development indicators

On the occasion of European Sustainable Development Week, end of September, Deal presented ODDetT (Sustainable Development Objective and Territory): an innovative application which provides Reunion Islanders with information on sustainable development on a local and national scale. This application designed in Reunion provides encrypted data, des graphiques et des cartographies mis...

The KKR fund new owner of Albioma

The KKR investment fund now holds 92,19% of the capital of Albioma, following the friendly public call for tenders opened at the end of June and successfully concluded in September. The French energy company’s stock prices have been suspended. Le fonds américain s’est engagé à accompagner le développement d’Albioma dans la valorisation de la biomasse et de la production...

Orange : 5G at no extra cost in mainland France

À l’approche des vacances scolaires, Orange Réunion a annoncé que ses clients 5G disposant d'une offre et d'un mobile compatibles pouvaient désormais profiter de la cinquième génération de réseaux mobiles sans surcoût lors de leurs déplacements en France métropolitaine, dans les zones couvertes en 5G. Telles étaient déjà les conditions proposées jusqu’alors par Orange à ses clients 4G lors...

The CPME will create an approved prevention group

The Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Reunion Island announced at the end of September the upcoming creation of an approved prevention group (GPA). This device, promoted at national level by the CPME and the regions of France, aims to prevent difficulties for businesses in order to avoid the opening of legal proceedings. L’organisation a reçu le soutien financier de la Caisse...

Michel Dijoux new president of Adir

The solarist Michel Dijoux succeeded Daniel Moreau (Royal Bourbon Industries) as president of Adir, during the general meeting held on October 6 in Saint-Denis. When he spoke, the new president recalled the need to “protect” the mechanisms for compensating for the handicaps of Reunion companies, « qui s’aggravent à mesure que...

Agriculture will become regional competence in 2028

According to the law promulgated in 2015, agricultural competence is exercised by the regions. Reunion Island has so far been an exception, the Department having retained jurisdiction over the agricultural sector and even assumed the management function of the EAFRD (the European agricultural aid fund) from previous programming. « Dans le respect des textes législatifs et dans une logique de...