24.3 C
Tuesday 4 March 2025


Leader news

Shield Quality Price + : still too many breakups

Three months after signing the Price Quality Shield price moderation agreement, occurred on November 2, 2022, on February 9, the prefecture published a first assessment of the control of the brands that apply it. The least positive point concerns the availability and presence of BQP+ products on the shelves.. According to the brands, le taux...

A still dynamic economy

L’activité économique est restée dynamique au troisième trimestre 2022 à La Réunion malgré les tensions sur les prix et la guerre en Ukraine, souligne l’Insee dans sa dernière note de conjoncture, published at the end of January. Le volume d’heures de travail rémunérées est resté supérieur de 14 % à son niveau d’avant la crise sanitaire et l’emploi salarié a continué d’augmenter...

Prices increased by 0,7% in December

Consumer prices increased by 0,7 % in December 2022 in Reunion, according to the latest INSEE index. Comme en novembre, des hausses sont constatées dans la plupart des secteurs. Service prices increased by 0,5 %, du fait notamment d’une nouvelle hausse des tarifs des transports, en lien avec la hausse saisonnière...

The more responsible Reunion consumer, according to Crédit Moderne

On February 13, Crédit Moderne made public the results of its survey of consumers in Reunion Island., of the Antilles and Guyana. Without surprise, inflation has affected consumer morale with a rating of 4,95/10 against 5,17 in the previous edition of the study. Faced with rising prices, les Réunionnais font preuve...

Unemployment fell by 6,1% in one year

The number of job seekers registered in category A (required to look for work and without activity) at Pôle Emploi was on average 119,080 in the fourth quarter of 2022 in Reunion. The decline is limited (-0,3 %) compared to the previous quarter, but significant over one year (-6,1 %). She is more modest (-2,4% over one year)...

CCI : fewer business creations in 2022

A major cleaning seems to have been done by the CCI Réunion in the files of the trade and services register in 2022 : 5,839 companies were deregistered, i.e. 54% more than in 2021. In total, 49,416 companies were listed in the RCS at the end of 2022, i.e. -4% in one year. Le secteur du commerce est celui où les...

Air Austral : the new team at work

The coming to Reunion Island of Jean-François Carenco, Minister of Overseas, from February 16 to 18, was an opportunity to take a first look at the restructuring of Air Austral. Public shareholders (Region, Department and CCI Meeting) and private companies grouped together in the company Runair provided the minister with some indications on the first decisions which will be taken soon. Michel Deleflie,...

2010-2020 : social developments revealed by the figures

The results of the last migration survey, la famille et le vieillissement, réalisée en 2020-2021, sont particulièrement riches d’enseignements, parce qu'ils permettent une comparaison avec la première enquête de ce type, réalisée en 2010. On y apprend notamment que les natifs de l’île composent la grande majorité de la population (79 % des 18-79 ans). Cette part...

Population growth slows

As of January 1, 2020, 863,083 people resided in Réunion, according to the count of “legal populations” carried out each year by INSEE. Since 2014, the island's population increases by 0,4% on average per year, a little faster than that of mainland France (+0,3 %). La croissance démographique réunionnaise est cependant moins forte qu’entre 2009 et...

Reunion Island companies have created 7,5 billion euros of added value in 2020

The 46,600 Reunionese companies in the merchant sectors (non agricoles et non financiers) ont réalisé en 2020 un chiffre d’affaires de 25,5 milliards d’euros et créé 7,5 milliards de valeur ajoutée, according to INSEE. Cinq secteurs contribuent fortement à la création de cette valeur ajoutée : l’enseignement, la santé humaine et l’action sociale (outside the public sector), les différents services aux entreprises,...