20.4 C
Sunday 12 January 2025


Leader news

St Denis : the removal of advertising signs has started

A 168 m2 advertising tarpaulin was symbolically dismantled at the beginning of December on the gable of a building in Saint-Denis, as part of the implementation of local advertising regulations (RLP) of the municipality. The latter plans to remove all advertising panels located in its public space during the year 2023. Adopté...

St Denis : a backup plan for La Chaumière

Saint-Denis is the first overseas community to host a safeguard plan, exceptional system for the recovery of private co-ownerships in difficulty in which the State can intervene up to 55%. The program concerns La Chaumière, set of buildings built in 1963 in the Saint-François ramps, which has been experiencing continuous deterioration and impoverishment for many years. Près...

SIDR offers its tenants access to the Klaro application

The SIDR (real estate company in the department of Réunion) offers its tenants, since October 2022, facilitated access to all the aid schemes to which they are entitled in view of their personal and professional situation. The social landlord has entered into an agreement with the Klaro application for this purpose., start-up fondée en 2019 en métropole sur la base d’un constat...

French Bee strengthens its cabin crew team in Reunion

The French Bee company organized two recruitment sessions on January 25 and 26 to strengthen its team of cabin crew based in Reunion Island.. In collaboration with Ladom, she received candidates for a position of hostess or steward meeting her criteria : speak English fluently, justifier d’une expérience en relation clients de...

Roland-Garros airport strengthens its coastline

A major reinforcement project is underway on the coastline of Roland-Garros airport. A new protective shell for the airport area against swell, which can reach a very significant height during cyclonic episodes, is setup. Work to create a coastal dike, made of concrete blocks resting on layers of riprap, ont...

In 2022, more than 2 million passengers

The increase in air traffic after the health crisis is occurring more quickly than expected at Roland-Garros airport, who welcomed 2,3 million passengers in 2022. This is 5% less than in 2019, before the appearance of Covid - traffic had then approached the bar of 2,5 million passengers –, but much more than in 2021 : moins...

New start for Air Austral

A little over thirty-two years after its creation, Air Austral is preparing to make a new start. Last January 5, the European Commission has given the green light to the restructuring plan combining the cancellation of part of the company's debts, an additional help of 17,5 millions d’euros en indemnisation des dommages causés par le premier confinement de...

Liberal professions are trained in social dialogue

La Commission paritaire régionale des professions libérales (CPR-PL) de La Réunion a réuni mi-novembre employeurs et syndicats de salariés afin d’échanger autour du dialogue social, avec Stéphane Leroux, directeur des outre-mer pour AG2R, prestataire majoritaire dans ce secteur d’activité. La Commission paritaire régionale des professions libérales à La Réunion regroupe les représentants des employeurs et des salariés afin de...

Young entrepreneurs at conferences

The Entrepreneur Péi association organized its 4th congress in Saint-Denis on November 26 and 27. Nearly 45 speakers spoke in this context, dont Pascal Thiaw-Kine (groupe Excellence), Romain Sihou (Tsilaosa and Sarana hotel)…Since 2018, Entrepreneur Péi works to bring together entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs from Reunion, to publicize success stories, à partager des...

The southern Malagasy air route is reopened

Depuis le 14 novembre 2022, Air Austral propose chaque lundi un vol triangulaire entre Saint-Denis et les aéroports malgaches de Tuléar et Fort Dauphin, opéré en Airbus A220-300 (132 sièges). Cette desserte avait été inaugurée en 2018, en partenariat avec Air Madagascar dont la compagnie réunionnaise était alors actionnaire. La ligne avait été suspendue par la crise sanitaire, in...