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Sunday 12 January 2025


Leader news

Feder-FSE : 1,4 billion euros in subsidies to come

Le détail des mesures d’aides européennes (« fiches-actions ») du programme Feder 2021-2027 sera connu en mars 2023. Waiting, les derniers fonds du programme précédent (2014-2020), dont la Région était pour la première fois l’autorité de gestion, sont écoulés et des mesures transitoires ont été mises en place pour les nouveaux candidats à une subvention européenne. Le 13 décembre dernier,...

Exodata expands in New Caledonia

The growth of the Reunion digital group Exodata cannot be denied. The cloud leader, of outsourcing and cybersecurity in French overseas territories acquired myCloud in December, specialist in IT infrastructure and major player in the Cloud in New Caledonia, especially in the health sector. The company is recognized, among others, pour son offre innovante de...

The Price-Quality Shield under state supervision

As he committed to at the beginning of November, the State now communicates monthly on the controls carried out in large retail chains to verify the correct application of the Quality-Price Shield. December 14, the prefecture published its first press release, discussing progress and areas for improvement. First observation by competition department controllers :...

GBH alongside the Second Chance School

Le Groupe Bernard Hayot et l’école de la 2e Chance de La Réunion (E2C Réunion) ont signé fin novembre 2022 une convention qui doit permettre à 15 jeunes éloignés de l’emploi de décrocher un CDI dans la grande distribution au terme d’un parcours de formation de seize mois. Les candidats sélectionnés par Pôle Emploi, associé à l’opération, seront accueillis...

Tikatsou, a local currency in project

Reunion could be equipped with a local currency, as there already exist more than 80 in France, in mid-2023 if the project led by the Nout Moné association is successful. Baptized Tikatsou, it will be a “complementary and civic local currency”, according to the definition of the law of July 2014 on the social and solidarity economy. Le but est de...

Université : a budget of 161 million euros

The budget of the University of Reunion Island for 2023 was voted on December 12, during the last board meeting of the year. It amounts to 161,6 million euros in revenue and 156,7 million in expenses, i.e. a surplus budget balance of 4,9 millions. It will enable the implementation of the establishment’s priorities. : réussite en licence...

BichiCAM : the bitches under surveillance

Threatened by overexploitation of resources, the tradition of bichique fishing can only continue if a balance is found between the fishing effort and the rate of renewal of the fry. For that, you need to know the flow of fish entering the river. BichiCAM was designed for this. L’outil se décompose en une partie physique en...

Inflation felt, higher than real inflation

A survey carried out at the end of November by Ipsos among 400 purchasing managers in Reunion households shows a stronger perception of inflation on the island than in mainland France., where the price increase is nevertheless higher. 79% of those questioned believe that their shopping budget has increased significantly, compared to 59% in mainland France. Selon Ipsos, the...

Price increase : +3,5% in one year at the end of November

The consumer price index measured by INSEE in November confirms a growing differential between inflation in Reunion and mainland France.. Over a year, prices increase by 3,5% on the island while their increase reaches 6,2% in mainland France (outside Mayotte). The gap goes almost double for food products, dont les prix...

Semader experiments with B:BOT

On November 30, Semader put into service a first B:BOT in one of his residences, that of the bus station in Saint-Pierre. La B:BOT is a collection point for plastic bottles which crushes them to give them a second life and which gives the user a voucher for each bottle deposited. Dans un...