18.7 C
Tuesday 4 March 2025


Leader news

Airline ticket prices at their highest

The average price of Réunion-metropole plane tickets increased by 24,9% between February 2022 and February 2023, according to the latest passenger air transport price index calculated by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The increases concern almost all aerial beams : +16% on domestic metropolitan lines, +27% on international medium-haul, +22...

French Bee multiplies partnerships

French Bee announced at the end of February a partnership with the Regional Academic Delegation for Initial and Continuing Professional Training, which is organizing this year the regional selection events for the WorldSkills France competition, whose objective is to promote different professions (painter, automobile bodybuilder, mason, aide à domicile...). La compagnie transportera trois meilleurs ouvriers de France invités à La...

Corsair returns to Réunion-Tananarive

In 2017, the experience lasted only a few months : service by Corsair to Tananarive via Reunion, as an extension of its Paris–Saint-Denis flights. The company, which was still part of the TUI group, had particularly attractive prices and easily filled its planes., until the Malagasy authorities withdraw its traffic rights. De toute...

Vast real estate project in Gol

The La Plaine Land Company, formed in 1999 by Harold and Annelise Cazal to take over and manage part of the land assets of Sucreries Léonus-Bénard, announces a new project in the Gol sector. A tertiary center including a 3,800 m² medical center and a 4,000 m² office building will soon see the light of day. Alpha, première...

The University more accessible to the disabled

Since the start of the school year at the end of January 2023, the University of Réunion offers a new service to its students and staff with disabilities : the Handi’Média room. Located on the ground floor of the Droit-Lettres library, it is accessible during its opening hours. Three workstations are available and equipped with computers, ergonomic chairs, of...

New means for municipalities in difficulty

The government announced on February 16 the launch of a call for applications for the signing of new Overseas Recovery Contracts (Corom). The Coroms allow a municipality in difficulty to embark on a path of recovery of its finances and improvement of its management, the State granting it technical assistance and an exceptional operating subsidy. From...

Female entrepreneurship : a new action plan

La convention de partenariat 2023-2024 pour la mise en œuvre du Plan d’actions régional en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat féminin (Paref) a été signée le 10 février par la préfecture, the Department, the Region, Bpifrance et BNP Paribas Réunion. Augmenter la participation des femmes à la création d’entreprise constitue en effet un enjeu d’autonomisation et d’égalité réelle particulièrement à La...

Priority neighborhoods : precariousness in slight decline

Between 2015 and 2019, le niveau de vie des habitants des Quartiers de la Politique de la Ville (QPV) de La Réunion ont progressé un peu plus vite qu’ailleurs, reveals an INSEE study. In 2018, 159 300 personnes vivaient dans l’un de ces 49 quartiers prioritaires, soit 19 % de la population, contre 7 % en métropole. The rate....

Accommodation : 338,100 main residences

In 2019, the population of Reunion lived in 338,100 main residences, according to the latest INSEE statistics. The characteristics of the housing stock, for example in terms of type of habitat (house or apartment) or occupation (number of people per accommodation, owners or tenants), differ greatly from one community of agglomerations on the island to another. Les différences sont également marquées en termes...

CBo Territories : stable turnover in 2022

CBo Territoria announces a turnover of 82 for 2022,1 million euros, quasi stable (-0,6 %) compared to the previous year. The company highlights the progression of 9,7% of its gross tertiary rental income, at 20,5 million euros. The occupancy rate of its economic assets reaches 98%, compared to 97% at the end of 2021. Les loyers bruts...