20.4 C
Sunday 12 January 2025


Leader news

Reunion Island businesses strong during the crisis

A new study from the Issuing Institute of Overseas Departments, published at the end of January, analyzes the way in which Reunionese companies coped with the health crisis in 2020. Reunion businesses suffered it head-on, with a drop in their turnover of 3,7% in 2020 compared to 2019. Cette baisse est près de deux fois...

Green fund : 22,7 million for Reunion

Announced by the government in August 2022, the Green Fund, or Fund for accelerating the ecological transition in the territories, is operational in Reunion. On a national level, the Green Fund will be allocated 2 billion euros from the State in 2023, completed by 1,2 billion from the Banque des Territoires. L’enveloppe allouée par l’État à La Réunion s’élève à...

Cost of life : a planned parliamentary inquiry

The Price Observatory, margins and income of Reunion Island welcomed the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the cost of living in Overseas Territories, announced on February 1. The OPMR recalls that this initiative is an extension of its work, en particulier du dernier rapport remis par le cabinet Bolonyocte Consulting sur l’évolution...

Unemployment insurance reform : Overseas excluded

Time to finalize unemployment insurance reform, entered into force on February 1, 2023. In particular, it is planned, on a national level, a possibility of modulating the duration of compensation depending on the state of the economy. In Guadeloupe, in the meeting, in Martinique, in Mayotte (which is covered by another unemployment agreement), as well as in Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin et Saint-Pierre et...

Fight against illegal work : two new agreements

On January 30, the State and the General Social Security Fund of Reunion signed two regional conventions to combat illegal work in the hairdressing and photography sectors.. These conventions should make it possible to fight more effectively against fraudulent practices within these professions., en renforçant le travail partenarial et la...

Health, it’s also culture

Une convention Culture et Santé pluriannuelle (2023-2027) a été signée le 3 février dernier par la Direction des affaires culturelles (DAC), l’Agence régionale de santé (ARS), the Department and the Region. Ce partenariat, né d’une volonté interministérielle en 1999, est mis en œuvre à La Réunion par la DAC et l’ARS depuis 2013 pour encourager le développement de projets...

Shield Quality Price + : still too many breakups

Three months after signing the Price Quality Shield price moderation agreement, occurred on November 2, 2022, on February 9, the prefecture published a first assessment of the control of the brands that apply it. The least positive point concerns the availability and presence of BQP+ products on the shelves.. According to the brands, le taux...

A still dynamic economy

L’activité économique est restée dynamique au troisième trimestre 2022 à La Réunion malgré les tensions sur les prix et la guerre en Ukraine, souligne l’Insee dans sa dernière note de conjoncture, published at the end of January. Le volume d’heures de travail rémunérées est resté supérieur de 14 % à son niveau d’avant la crise sanitaire et l’emploi salarié a continué d’augmenter...

Prices increased by 0,7% in December

Consumer prices increased by 0,7 % en décembre 2022 à La Réunion, according to the latest INSEE index. Comme en novembre, des hausses sont constatées dans la plupart des secteurs. Service prices increased by 0,5 %, du fait notamment d’une nouvelle hausse des tarifs des transports, en lien avec la hausse saisonnière...

The more responsible Reunion consumer, according to Crédit Moderne

On February 13, Crédit Moderne made public the results of its survey of consumers in Reunion Island., of the Antilles and Guyana. Without surprise, inflation has affected consumer morale with a rating of 4,95/10 against 5,17 in the previous edition of the study. Faced with rising prices, les Réunionnais font preuve...