18.1 C
Wednesday 5 March 2025


Leader news

Waste : Ileva seeks successor at CNIM

After the defection of the metropolitan company CNIM in 2022, the Ileva mixed union, in charge of waste treatment for the intermunicipalities of the South and West, has just launched a call for tenders to find the builder and manager of the future Pierrefonds energy recovery unit. Despite the withdrawal of the CNIM (reprise par le groupe métropolitain...

Sharp increase in deaths in 2022

L'an passé, 6,380 people living in Reunion Island have died, i.e. 630 more deaths than in 2021 and 1,310 more deaths than in 2019 (+25,9 %), according to INSEE. This increase is primarily explained by the continued aging of the population. : les générations nombreuses du baby-boom des années 1950 arrivent depuis quelques années à des âges élevés....

Sugar cane : Tereos puts 6 million euros on the table

Recharged by the rise in world sugar prices since the start of the war in Ukraine, Tereos Indian Ocean is ready to put six million euros on the table to participate in the revival of the cane industry. Its general director Philippe Labro announced it on March 20 in the Reunion daily press.. Le résultat catastrophique de la...

National trophy for a farmer from Sainte-Rose

Operator in Sainte-Rose, Béatrice Duchemann-Donnay a décroché le prix national de l’innovation du concours des trophées de l’agro-écologie 2022-2023, lors du Salon international de l’agriculture. Installée depuis 2015 avec son compagnon, elle produit de la vanille sous-bois, des letchis et des palmistes certifiés bio, sur une concession de 4,75 hectares attribuée par le Conservatoire du littoral. Le jury régional...

Overindebtedness : cases down slightly

The number of files filed with the Reunion overindebtedness commission in 2022 is thus down slightly to 1,176 (-2 %) compared to the previous year. Il représente 51 % de la totalité des dossiers déposés dans les Départements etRégions d'outre-mer. The redeposit rate is still at a very good level, at...

The Food Bank studies the consequences of inflation

The food bank network recently extended its survey into the consequences of inflation on purchasing behavior and use of food aid to overseas territories.. In the meeting, more than half of those surveyed (370 questionnaires used) was unable to increase his food budget. Inflation particularly impacts single people and single-parent families,...

Change in consumption

The business climate is holding up better than expected in Reunion, according to the latest economic trends in Iédom for the last quarter of 2022. Despite inflation, less favorable financing conditions and rising energy and geopolitical uncertainties, the business climate indicator weakens slightly (of 110,7 to 108,1), but remains above its long-term average (100)....

Prime « Macron » : 14,7 million euros already paid to Reunion

Since July 1, 2022, employers can pay their employees a value sharing bonus exempt from contributions and social security contributions as well as income tax under certain conditions. Le montant de cette prime est limité à 3 000 euros par année civile ou 6 000 euros pour les entreprises ayant mis en place un...

The price index fell in January

After having increased by 0,7 % in December 2022, les prix à la consommation ont baissé d’autant en janvier 2023, according to INSEE. Les prix des services diminuent de 1,8 %, du fait de la baisse des tarifs des services de transport. Les tarifs de l’énergie sont également en baisse (-1,5 %), en raison de la baisse des tarifs des...

Aid for territorial continuity revalued

The Overseas Agency for Mobility announced on March 14 a general increase in the amounts of territorial continuity aid in order to partially compensate for the increase in plane ticket prices.. Ladom’s aid concerns overseas residents with modest incomes who need to travel to mainland France. La revalorisation de la valeur faciale des bons de...