19.3 C
Thursday 6 March 2025


Leader news

FEDER : 430 million euros for businesses

On April 14, the Region presented the content of the two European programs for which it is the managing authority., the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the European Social Fund for the period from 2021 – but which actually begins this year – to 2027. Ouch, you FEATHER, 430 millions d’euros sont destinés aux acteurs économiques...

Labor needs still high

Like every year, Pôle Emploi published its survey on labor needs in Reunion at the beginning of April. Company recruitment projects, associations and the public sector are still as important and even progress by 5,4% compared to last year. More than 40,000 recruitment projects have been detected, dont 14,5 % en...

CBO Territoria earned 16 million euros in 2022

The result of CBo Territoria's activities came to 26,4 million euros at the end of December 2022, up +16,1 %, inform the group. After regulatory adjustments, net profit, group share, stands at 16 million euros, increasing by 1,5% over one year. Pour 2023, CBo a pour objectif une croissance des loyers bruts...

More than 14,000 apprenticeship contracts signed in 2022

In the meeting, 14 274 contrats d’apprentissage ont été signés au cours de l’année 2022 dans le secteur privé, selon les dernières données de la préfecture. Ce chiffre augmente de 14 % par rapport à 2021, as at national level, et de 67 % par rapport à 2020. Lors de l’entrée en apprentissage, 80 % des jeunes ont un...

6,400 jobs created in 2022

Even if the pace of job creations has slowed down compared to 2021, 6 400 emplois ont été créés en 2022 à La Réunion, according to INSEE. La croissance de l’emploi est uniquement portée par le secteur privé, notamment grâce à l’embauche d’apprentis. In this context, le taux de chômage est quasi stable et concernait 17 % de la population active...

Tereos donates five tonnes of sugar to the food bank

As part of its partnership with the Mascarene Food Bank, in place since 2019 and renewed for 2023, Tereos Indian Ocean will donate five tonnes of sugar to the association this year, committed for more than twenty years against social and food insecurity in Reunion. At national scale, le groupe Tereos est également engagé auprès...

Increase of 0,4% of prices in February

Consumer prices increased by 0,4 % in February in Reunion, according to INSEE. La hausse concerne tous les secteurs de la consommation, à l’exception des produits manufacturés. Les tarifs de l’énergie croissent fortement (+5 %) du fait de la hausse de 15 % des tarifs de l’électricité. Les tarifs des produits pétroliers augmentent également (+0,4...

More than 35,000 private home employers

According to the Home Employment Observatory, 10,8% of Reunion households have someone working at home. Home employment on the island concerns 57,241 people : 35,715 private employers and 21,526 home-based employees or childminders, according to the latest annual data available. If on average, nearly one in ten Reunion Islanders resorts to home employment, cette part croît...

The number 1,47 %

This was the average rate of new housing loans in Reunion at the end of 2022. This figure continues to increase, just like that of the consumer credit rate (3,86 %). Average business loan rates are also increasing. At the end of last year they stood at 2,47% for cash credits, at...

Shield Quality Price : basket price unchanged

The Quality Price Shield partners agreed at the beginning of April on the 2023 basket, the total amount of which remains unchanged, at 348 euros. The standard trolley accommodates new products corresponding to strong local consumption habits and distributors have made new commitments to limit stock shortages. 13 produits ont été ajoutés suite...