21 C
Sunday 12 January 2025


Leader news

CDC Habitat shareholder of Semac

The City of Saint-Benoît and the CDC Habitat group concluded a memorandum of understanding on April 11 for the sale of the municipality's shares in Semac (Mixed economy development and construction company), on the occasion of the trip of Anne-Sophie Grave, president of the board of directors of CDC Habitat, in the meeting. « Cette opération permettra d’engager une nouvelle dynamique...

Other European programs are launched

The launch of the 2021-2027 programming of European funds was recorded on April 7 in the presence of the prefect, representatives of the Department, of the Region, of the European funds monitoring committee and the Agency for the management of local initiatives in European matters. Besides the ERDF, Europe finances the ESF in Reunion (European Social Fund), dont la...

Green fund : 1,4 million for Reunion

The first 150 winners of the Green Fund were designated on April 3. Eighteen of them are overseas, including seven from Reunion. They will benefit in total from an envelope of 1,4 million d’euros. Two of them concern the city of Saint-Denis : the creation of a mini coastal urban forest along Lancastel Boulevard, sur le site de l’ancienne bibliothèque et l’aménagement...

Renewed approval for Qualitropic

Le pôle de compétitivité Qualitropic a obtenu fin mars le renouvellement de son agrément par le gouvernement. Une discussion doit s’engager dans les prochaines semaines avec l’État et la Région pour assigner au pôle des objectifs en phase avec le Schéma régional de développement économique, d’innovation et d’internationalisation, la stratégie régionale de spécialisation intelligente et le plan de réindustrialisation...

The Austral will not fish for toothfish

L’Austral restera dédié à 100 % à son activité de pêche à la langouste australe, announced Sapmer on April 11. The emblematic boat of the Reunion shipping company obtained the right last year to request annual toothfish fishing authorizations, but had not yet exercised it. Sapmer s’inquiète du retour dans la pêcherie de l’armement...

Professional training : Océinde partner of the rectorate

Chantal Manès-Bonisseau, rector of Reunion, and Nassir Goulamaly, president of the Océinde group, signed a framework agreement on April 18 “aimed at stimulating education and academic success in Reunion Island”. Thanks to this five-year partnership, the Océinde group joins in actions initiated in partnership with the rectorate, particulièrement dans le cadre du développement des formations...

FEDER : 430 million euros for businesses

On April 14, the Region presented the content of the two European programs for which it is the managing authority., the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the European Social Fund for the period from 2021 – but which actually begins this year – to 2027. Ouch, you FEATHER, 430 millions d’euros sont destinés aux acteurs économiques...

Labor needs still high

Like every year, Pôle Emploi published its survey on labor needs in Reunion at the beginning of April. Company recruitment projects, associations and the public sector are still as important and even progress by 5,4% compared to last year. More than 40,000 recruitment projects have been detected, dont 14,5 % en...

CBO Territoria earned 16 million euros in 2022

The result of CBo Territoria's activities came to 26,4 million euros at the end of December 2022, up +16,1 %, inform the group. After regulatory adjustments, net profit, group share, stands at 16 million euros, increasing by 1,5% over one year. Pour 2023, CBo a pour objectif une croissance des loyers bruts...

More than 14,000 apprenticeship contracts signed in 2022

In the meeting, 14 274 contrats d’apprentissage ont été signés au cours de l’année 2022 dans le secteur privé, selon les dernières données de la préfecture. Ce chiffre augmente de 14 % par rapport à 2021, as at national level, et de 67 % par rapport à 2020. Lors de l’entrée en apprentissage, 80 % des jeunes ont un...